Modifying a Mass Change Request for a One-Time Transaction
To modify the mass change request parameters for a previously entered one-time transaction, open the Mass Change Request for One-Time Transactions (MAS3) page. The Mass Change Request for One-Time Transactions (MAS3) page features a grid used to list mass change requests for one-time transactions.
Select the line representing the one-time transaction you want to modify from the grid. Result: Details pertaining to the selected line are displayed on the lower portion of the page.
In the common section of the Mass Change Request for One-Time Transactions (MAS3) page, update the necessary information. Overwrite existing data if necessary. Note: “_*_“ denotes a required field.
In the Selected Criteria – General Information section, you can enter or revise any applicable criteria for identifying employees to whom the intended change is to be applied. Overwrite existing data if necessary.
In the Selected Criteria – Fund Accounting section, you can enter or revise any applicable criteria for identifying employees to whom the intended change is to be applied. Overwrite existing data if necessary.
In the Selected Criteria – Detail Accounting section, you can enter or revise any applicable criteria for identifying employees to whom the intended change is to be applied. Overwrite existing data if necessary.
In the Revised Attributes – Common section, enter or revise the intended changes to the employment attributes of the specified employees. Overwrite existing data if necessary. Note: “_*_“ denotes a required field.
In the Revised Attributes – STRG section, enter or revise the intended changes to the employment attributes of the specified employees. Overwrite existing data if necessary. Entries should only be made in this section to generate a request to process a supplemental trigger.
In the Revised Attributes – RTRG section, enter or revise the intended changes to the employment attributes of the specified employees. Overwrite existing data if necessary. Entries should only be made in this section to generate a request to process a retroactive trigger.
In the Revised Attributes – OTDED section, enter or revise the intended changes to the employment attributes of the specified employees. Overwrite existing data if necessary. Entries should only be made in this section to generate a request to process a one-time deduction.
In the Revised Attributes – OTPAY section, enter or revise the intended changes to the employment attributes of the specified employees. Overwrite existing data if necessary. Entries should only be made in this section to generate a request to process a one-time payment.
In the Revised Attributes – OTPAY Fund Accounting section, make the appropriate entries or changes to each field. Overwrite existing data if necessary. Entries should only be made in this section to generate a request to process a one-time payment.
In the Revised Attributes – OTPAY Detail Accounting section, make the appropriate entries or changes to each field. Overwrite existing data if necessary. Entries should only be made in this section to generate a request to process a one-time payment.
To modify additional mass change requests, repeat steps 1 through 12.
Select Save to record the mass change request in the system.