Pay Progression Rule
The Pay Progression Rule (PPRL) page allows you to define the codes that provide a mechanism for retrieving pay event rates. These pay event rates are based on length of service. The system calculates length of service based on event date and the progression start date from the employee's assignment record. Furthermore, the use of pay progression rule is controlled by Sire Specific Parameter (SPAR).
Field InformationField Information
The Pay Progression Rule page contains the following fields:
Field Name |
Field Description |
Home Department, Home Unit, Union Local, Pay Policy, Pay Event Type |
A wildcard ("*****") value in any of these fields indicates that the entered pay progression is valid for all entries for the associated field. For example, a wildcarded Home Department would mean that the pay progression is valid for all home departments.
Maximum Service |
The maximum number of months associated with the pay progression code for pay event rates, which are based on length of service. For example, the regular rate of pay for an employee employed between zero and six months might be lower than the rate for someone employed over six months. The system calculates length of service based on the event date and the pay progression start date recorded for the employee on the Employment Status Maintenance (ESMT) transaction. |
Minimum Service |
The minimum number of months associated with the pay progression code for pay event rates, which are based on length of service. For example, an employee has zero months of service until one full month has elapsed. A pay progression rule applying to the first six months of service begins with month zero and ends with month five. |
Pay Progression |
The identification code associated with the pay progression that is used to identify a length of service so that the appropriate rate of pay can be determined on the Pay Policy Rate (PPRT) page for table-driven pay employees. |