Pay and Leave Events

The Pay and Leave Events (EVNT) page allows you to define and identify pay and leave events such as regular pay and leave without pay. The event codes are primarily used on time and leave transactions.

When a Pay Policy/Event Type combination is entered on this page, the system checks to see whether the event type exists on the Pay Policy Event Type (PPET) page and tries to match the Pay Policy/Event Type record to the one on PPET. If no match is found, it looks for a wildcard pay policy to match the event type.  If this match is not found, the system issues an error message.

Field InformationField Information

The Include in Salary Calculation section determines whether the pay event should be included in the Monthly Calculated Salary as well as the pages on which the event should be displayed.  Up to ten Salary Calculations (Page Codes) can be entered per event.  Enter QSAL in one of the Salary Calculation fields, and the system displays the event on the Employee Salary Inquiry (QSAL) page. The event can be designated as a Base Salary Event or Other Base Salary Event and will be included in the Monthly Calculated Salary and displayed on the Employee Salary Inquiry (QSAL) page.

The Use Calculated Salary Rate field allows a pay event to be paid out to the employee at the Monthly Calculated Salary Rate. Therefore, if this field is selected, the event’s pay rate is equal to the Calculated Salary Rate derived from the employee’s Monthly Calculated Salary. This functionality enables Advantage HRM to prorate pay when an employee is entitled to only part of their Monthly Calculated Salary.   

Certain earnings, such as Call Back (which occurs when an employee is unexpectedly ordered back to work by the department because of unanticipated work), require a guaranteed premium amount to be issued.  These events are guaranteed at a rate of time and a half, with the extra half time paid as the Guaranteed Premium Amount.  The Guaranteed Premium is paid even if the employee does not qualify for FLSA overtime compensation based on the total number of hours worked in the FLSA period.  If an employee earns FLSA premium, any Guaranteed Premium amount earned from hours worked that has already been paid to the employee for FLSA eligible events is counted towards the required FLSA premium.  As a result, a comparison is made between the premium amount generated for FLSA eligible Guaranteed Premium pay events (based on the Guaranteed Premium Amount field) and the calculated FLSA premium amount for the FLSA work period, and a net payment amount is issued for the difference.

The Pay and Leave Events page contains the following fields:

Field Name

Field Description

Allow Employee Expenses

This check box indicates whether or not an employee is eligible to submit a travel transaction (Travel Authorization or Travel Expense Report), while associated with this leave event.

If this check box is cleared, an employee is not allowed to submit travel transactions while associated with this leave event.  The user will still be able to save and discard travel transactions.

If this check box is selected, an employee is eligible to claim travel expenses and is allowed to save and submit travel transactions, while associated with this leave event.

Benefit Eligibility Test

If selected, this Event Type is to be considered when the Benefit Eligibility Test batch job is run.

If selected, this Event Type is to be considered if an employee reports FMLA time when the Benefit Eligibility Test batch job is run.


The category code that the pay or leave event is associated with.

Cost Accounting

Select the value to indicate which override is to be used for this entry.  The selections, and their associated meanings are as follows:

  • Exclude frm Acct Interface  - This event will be excluded from the Payroll Account Management (PAM) process.

  • Internal Training  - This event will be posted according to the Department and Labor Distribution assigned to this entry.

  • LDPR - Unless Trans. Override - This event will be posted according to the Department and Labor Distribution Profile assigned to this entry unless overrides are entered on a Timesheet transaction.

  • LDPR w/ Home Dept-Unlss Trn Ovd  - This event will be posted according to the employee’s Home Department and Labor Distribution Profile assigned to this entry unless overrides are entered on a timesheet transaction.

  • LDPR w/ Home Dept - This event will be posted according to the employee’s Home Department and Labor Distribution Profile assigned to this entry.

  • Labor Distribution Profile -This event will always be posted to the Labor Distribution Profile assigned to this entry.

  • No Override - No accounting attributes are specific to this event.

  • Obj/Sub-obj-Unless Trans. Ovrd - This event will be posted to the object and sub-object assigned to this entry unless overrides are entered on a timesheet transaction.

  • Object/Sub-object - The expense associated with this event will always be posted to the object and sub-object for this entry.

  • Receivable - If the Event Type ID is not set to Advance, the Cost Accounting field cannot be set to Receivable. The user will enter the BSA and Sub BSA fields (if required) related to the Advance Accounts Receivable Balance Sheet Account. When the Cost Accounting field is set to Receivable, the BSA code on the Balance Sheet Account page (BSA) must be an Asset and the Cash Account flag cannot be selected.

  • Reserve Pay/Accrual Acct - This event is a reserve accrual or payout event, which requires the entry of a balance sheet account code.

Employer Paid Fringe

This field is required if the Event Type is Pay Type, Reimbursable Expenditure, CCOMP Pay Type or FLSA Pay Type. For all other Event Types this field should be set to N/A.

Event Matrix Eligible

This flag indicates whether the selected pay event is eligible to establish accounting override at the event level. If this check box is selected, this event can be defined on the Event Matrix (EVAM) reference page where rules can be defined to establish the accounting overrides.

Event Priority Order

Enter the priority in which events are to be processed for FLSA calculations. A value of one is considered the highest priority.

Event Type

The identification code associated with the event type.

Event Type ID

The type of event that the entry represents. The setting of this field determines which system processes the event is included in.

Exception Pay Event 1

The identification code associated with the pay event type that is used to generate a pay event for an exception pay employee when the leave event is processed.

Exception Pay Event 2

The identification code associated with the pay event type that is used to generate a pay event for an exception pay employee when the leave event is processed. For example, a paid leave event (such as vacation) for an exception paid employee requires the generation of both a backout for the base pay event and a positive pay event to give the employee vacation pay instead.

Exception Pay Sign 1

 Required if a value is entered in the Exception Pay Event 1 field. If a leave event generates a payment resulting in a positive pay rate, select+ (plus). If negative, select- (minus). If the Event Type ID is Leave Bank Type, and where no pending payments are to be generated, select 0.

Exception Pay Sign 2

 Required if a value is entered in Exception Pay Event 2. If a leave event generates a payment resulting in a positive pay rate, select + (plus). If negative, select- (minus). If the Event Type ID is Leave Bank Type and where no pending payments are to be generated, select 0.

Exempt Leave

If this check box is selected, indicates the time recorded under this event will be identified as an Exempt Leave event. The system compares the time entered for Exempt Leave to the employee’s scheduled work time and issues an error if the entered time is greater than the scheduled work time.

FLSA Min Wage Rate

The FLSA minimum hourly rate. This field is optional if the Event Type is FLSA Pay Type; otherwise, leave this field blank.


Guaranteed Premium Event

This field is used to indicate that a pay type event has a guaranteed amount paid above the premium rate.

If Guaranteed Premium Event is set to Yes with FLSA or Yes without FLSA, then the event is a Guaranteed Premium pay event.  The value Yes with FLSA should be used for Guaranteed Premium pay events whose straight component is included in the FLSA calculation.  The value Yes without FLSA should be used for Guaranteed Premium pay events whose straight component is not included in the FLSA calculation.  The Guaranteed Premium Event should be set to No if the pay event code is to be used as a straight component, or 100% of the regular pay (straight rate).  

Include Event in CCOMP Calculation

Indicates whether this event should be included in CCOMP calculations. This field cannot be set to N/A if the Pay Type is CCOMP Pay Type, Pay Type, or Reimbursable Expenditure.

Include Event in FLSA Calculation

Indicates whether this event should be included in FLSA calculations. This field cannot be set to N/A if the Pay Type is Pay Type, Reimbursable Expenditure, or FLSA Pay Type.

Include in Employee Role

Indicates whether the event should be included in the Employee user role. When this check box is selected, employees will be able to utilize the event. When the check box is cleared, they will not.

Include in Longevity

Indicates whether the event should be included when determining an employee’s longevity payment eligibility.

When the Include in Longevity check box is selected, any hours reported using this event are included in the employee’s longevity payment eligibility. If the number of the eligible hours reported in a given pay period exceeds the longevity threshold defined on the employee’s pay policy the employee is eligible to receive a longevity payment. This check box should only be selected when the Event Type ID is set to Pay Type.

Include in Service Hours

Default is cleared. Select this flag if the pay event is to be included in the service hours calculation. Clear the check box if the pay event should not be included in the service hours calculation. The selected check box is only valid if the Pay Input Unit is Time and the Pay Event Type is Pay Type.

Include Pay Eligible Components Only

Default is cleared. Select this flag if the pay rates are only for the eligible pay components linked to an employee assignment to be included in the pay rate calculation. Clear the check box if all the components of the pay event under  Pay Policy Event Type (PPET) to be included in the pay rate calculation. The selected check box is only valid if Use Pay Policy Event Rate is N/A or No

% Hours included in CCOMP

Required if the Event Type is CCOMP Pay Type, Pay Type, or Reimbursable Expenditure. The percentage of input hours that count towards the employee’s hours worked for CCOMP purposes.

% Hours included in FLSA

Required if the Event Type is Pay Type, Reimbursable Expenditure, or FLSA Pay Type. The percentage of input hours that count towards the employee’s hours worked for FLSA purposes. For example, regular time worked would be multiplied by 100% while a shift differential on top of time worked would be multiplied by 0%.

Leave Abbreviation

This field allows you to distinguish leave types with a two-character designation that is used on the Attendance Card display. For example, a sick leave event can be designated as SK and a personal leave event can be designated as PS in the Leave Abbreviation field.  

The Leave Abbreviation is only used when the event has a Usage vs. Accrual value of Usage.

Leave Input Units

Default is not applicable blank. Indicates that the leave category amounts are in weeks, days or hours. This field cannot be set to blank, if the Event Type is Leave Type or Leave Bank Type.

Pay Acceptance Priority Number

Required if Event Type is Pay Type, Reimbursable Expenditure, CCOMP Pay Type, or FLSA Pay Type. Enter the two-digit number, which indicates the processing priority for pay events if a negative condition occurs during Gross-to-Net. Pay transactions with the highest number are backed out first (for example, 5 is backed out before 1).

% Pay Included in CCOMP

Required if the Event Type is CCOMP Pay Type, Pay Type, or Reimbursable Expenditure. Enter the percentage of dollars for the pay type that count toward CCOMP dollars for determining the average hourly wage.

% Pay included in FLSA

Required if the Event Type is Pay Type, Reimbursable Expenditure, or FLSA Pay Type. Enter the percentage of dollars for the pay type that count toward FLSA dollars for determining the average hourly wage.

Pay Input Units

The appropriate code to define the input units for the pay event.

Positive Pay Event 1

The identification code associated with the pay event type that is used to generate pay for a positive pay employee when the leave event is processed (for example, vacation leave also generates vacation pay).

Positive Pay Sign 1

Required if a value is entered in Positive Pay Event 1. If a leave event generates a payment resulting in a positive pay rate, select + (plus). If negative, select- (minus). If the Event Type ID is Leave Bank Type, and where no pending payments are to be generated, select 0.

Reimbursement Allowed

Indicates if a leave type can be reimbursed. In order for a leave type to be considered reimbursable, the Reimbursable Allowed check box must be selected.  

Remove Pay Priority Number

States the order in which pay should be removed from events when Automated Pay is generated. Pay transactions with the highest number are backed out first (for example, 5 is backed out before 1).

Salary Calculation 1-10

Use this field to specify which inquiry pages should include the event.  Up to ten pages can be entered per event.  

Salary Event

Use this field to designate the event as a Base or Other Base event on the Employee Salary Inquiry (QSAL) page.


Store Pay Results at

Default is Not Applicable. Required if the Event Type is Pay Type, Reimbursable Expenditure, CCOMP Pay Type, or FLSA Pay Type. Select a value to identify the component calculation level. Valid values are: Component Level (The processing results are stored at the component level), Aggregate Level (The processing results are stored at the aggregate level), and Not Applicable [blank].

Time and Leave Reporting Category

Used to display a custom total line on the Timesheet (TIMEI).   In addition, these categories can be used to create site-specific reports based on the events entered on the Timesheet (TIMEI).

Time Category

The identification code associated with the time category that applies to this event. Whenever an employee works overtime (as defined by the employee standard pay period hours on Pay Class (PYCL) reference page), those hours are charged to the accounting distribution specified by the time category if the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page entry ACCTG CHARGE EXCESS TIME CATEG has the Yes/No Flag check box selected.

Training Reimbursable Indicator

Indicates the way in which the cost of a training attended by the employee is reimbursed by the organization.  You can select any of the following types from the drop down:

  • Employee Reimbursable - reimbursed on completion of the course

  • 3rd Party Vendor Payment - reimbursed on approval and enrollment into the training

  • Internal Transfer - reimbursed on completion of the course

Note: If you select the Event Type ID as Training - Financial Activity, specify the Training Reimbursable Indicator as one of the above values. If you do not select the Event Type ID as Training - Financial Activity, then do not specify any value for the Training Reimbursable Indicator.

Unscheduled Leave

This field allows you to distinguish between scheduled and unscheduled leave. If the Unscheduled Leave flag is selected, then the leave type will be shown on the Attendance Card as unscheduled leave; otherwise the leave type will be shown as a scheduled leave.

Unscheduled Leave is only used when the event has a Usage vs. Accrual value of Usage.  

Usage Vs. Accrual

Required if the Event Type is Leave Type. Indicates whether this leave event increases or decreases a leave balance.

Use Adjustment Events in Contract Pay

Select the check box to indicate the adjustment pay events of this pay event type should be included in contract pay processing. Clear the check box if they should be excluded from contract pay processing.

Use Events in Reserve Pay

Select the check box to indicate the pay events of this pay event type should be included in reserve pay processing. Clear the check box if they should be excluded from reserve pay processing.

Use Exception Events in Contract Pay

Select the check box to indicate the exception pay events of this pay event type should be included in contract pay processing. Clear the check box if they should be excluded from contract pay processing.

Use Pay Policy Event Rate  

Required for non-leave events. Defaults to N/A [blank] for leave events. Select Yes to indicate pay resulting from the event should be calculated using a pay rate set up for each pay policy on the Pay Event Type (PPET) page. Select No if it should not be calculated using a pay rate set up for each pay policy on the Pay Event Type (PPET) page.

Use Positive Events in Contract Pay

Select the check box to indicate the positive pay events of this pay event type should be included in contract pay processing. Clear the check box if they should be excluded from contract pay processing.

User Field 1 - 10

These fields are reserved for site-specific use.  These fields are optional and do not have any edits on them.

User Flag 1 through 10

These user defined flag fields are reserved for site-specific use.  These fields are optional and do not have any edits on them.

User Integer 1 through 10  

These user defined integer fields are reserved for site-specific use.  These fields are optional and do not have any edits on them.

User Decimal 1 through 10  

These user defined decimal fields are reserved for site-specific use.  These fields are optional and do not have any edits on them.

User Text 1 through 10 

These user defined text fields are reserved for site-specific use.  These fields are optional and do not have any edits on them.

User Large text 1 through 10  

These user defined large text fields are reserved for site-specific use.  These fields are optional and do not have any edits on them.

User date 1 through 10

These user defined date fields are reserved for site-specific use.  These fields are optional and do not have any edits on them.

Valid Transaction 1 - 10

The code identifying a transaction/inquiry that can display information from this page.

Weekly Frequency/ Biweekly Frequency/ Semi-Monthly Frequency/Monthly Frequency/Annual Frequency

The identification code(s) associated with the frequency that indicates whether the event should be paid for weekly, biweekly, semi-monthly, monthly, and annually paid employees. This field must be left blank if the Pay Input Units is Time or Units, or Employer Paid Fringe is selected. If this field is blank, the event is generated each pay period.

Withholding Subject to

The type of withholding tax to be taken on the event.

  • When set to Flat Tax – All Payrolls, the tax on the pay event is taken at the deduction rate on the Deduction Plan (DPLN) reference page for all deductions the event is included in for all payroll types.

  • When set to Marginal Tax – All Payrolls, the tax on the pay event is taken using rates on the Marginal Tax Rates (DEDX) reference page for all deductions the event is included in for all payroll types.

    • When set to Marginal Tax -Reg/Repl/Adv - the tax on the pay event is taken using rates on   Marginal Tax Rates (DEDX) for all deductions the event is included in for Regular, Replacement, and Advance Processing payrolls. For all other payroll types, the tax on the pay event is taken at the flat tax rate by using the deduction rate on DPLN for all deductions the event is included in.

Last Modified By 

This field displays the User ID of the user who has created/last modified the transaction.

Last Modified On

This field displays the last modified date and time.


This field can hold up to 1500 characters and displays the remark entered by the user (if any).