Payroll COA Required Elements
The Payroll COA Required Elements (PCREQ) reference page is used to define the Chart of Accounts (COA) elements that are required on transactions and reference pages that use accounting distributions. The transactions that use accounting distributions are Employee Accounting Data (DEPTA), Employee Event Accounting Information (DEPTE), Employee Pay Period Accounting Information (EPPA), Position Maintenance (PSMT), Timesheet Adjustment transaction (TADJ), Position Distribution Profile Maintenance (PDPR), and Labor Distribution Profile (LDPM) transactions and reference pages such as Accounting Override (AORD) and Department Event Accounting (DEACC). Within each Payroll Required Elements record, a check box exists to represent each COA element. If the check box is selected, the corresponding COA element is required on the transaction or reference page. If the check box is not selected, the element is optional on the transaction or reference page.
Note: By default, the Fund check box is selected and greyed out because when the Detail Fund Accounting Options section of PCREQ is used, the Fund code is always required and the user cannot enter accounting elements without entering the Fund code.