Payroll Check Status Inquiry
The Payroll Check Status Inquiry (QPCHK) activity folder allows users to easily perform pay-related actions by gathering all of the necessary pages together in one place. Furthermore, one can create and maintain the related transactions.
The QPCHK activity folder provides users with information about pay details, deduction details and fringe details supporting an employee’s Issued Checks/Advices. Information about Pending Checks/Advices and Current On-Line Checks is also available.
When additional check details are generated apart from the original issued check, such as retroactive pay processing or check cancellations, QPCHK groups and displays these check details with the current issued check and not the original issued check. QPCHK filters according to the Internal Control Number only. The activity folder includes the following tabs:
Use the Employee tab to view the employee information and search for specific employees.
After an employee record is selected in the search results grid, you can choose one of the following row-level actions:
Create Timesheet Adjustments - This action creates a Timesheet Adjustment (TADJ) transaction for the selected record.
Create External Adjustments - This action creates an External Adjustment (EADJ) transaction for the selected record.
Issued Checks/AdvicesIssued Checks/Advices
Use the Issued Checks/Advices tab to view issued checks, including calculated pay and details, deduction details, and fringe details. This tab can also be used to create a check disposition or on-line check calculation, and allows you to discern that a paycheck has been split into two or more distributions via the Split Deposit flag. The information can also be downloaded to a spreadsheet format using the Grid Action menu.
This tab contains the following row-level actions:
Create Check Disposition - This action creates and opens a Check Disposition (CHCK) transaction, which allows you to display the current status of an employee’s check, and allows the user to change the status of the check.
Create On-line Check Calculation - This action creates and opens the On-line Check transaction, which allows you to perform the supplemental pay processing necessary to produce a check for an employee.
Pay Distribution DetailPay Distribution Detail
Use the Pay Distribution Detail tab to display the distribution information related to the split-out of Net Pay; the distribution checks that are components of the paycheck. This tab displays information regarding all of the distributions of Net Pay that occurred on the selected paycheck.
The External Warrant Number and External Warrant Date fields provide the ability to track warrant details generated outside of Advantage HRM. The external warrant details can be uploaded to the Pay Check tables using the SCO_WRNT_NO and SCO_WRNT_DT columns. These columns can be updated using any of the methods Advantage HRM offers to update database tables.
This tab contains the following row-level action:
Modify Deposit Reissue - This action creates and opens the Deposit Reissue (DPRI) transactions, which allows you to modify the status of a pending payment.
Use the Pay Details tab to view or download the pay details.
Deduction DetailsDeduction Details
Use the Deductions Details tab to view or download the deduction details.
Use the Fringe Details section to view or download the fringe details.
Pending Checks/AdvicesPending Checks/Advices
Use the Pending Checks/Advices tab to view pending checks or advices for an employee, including calculated pay and details, deduction details, and fringe details. This tab can also be used to create a check disposition or on-line check calculation, and allows you to discern that a paycheck has been split into two or more distributions via the Split Deposit flag. The information can also be downloaded to a spreadsheet format using the Grid Action menu.
This tab contains the following row-level actions:
Create Check Disposition - This action creates and opens a Check Disposition (CHCK) transaction, which allows you to display the current status of an employee’s check, and allows the user to change the status of the check.
Create On-line Check Calculation - This action creates and opens the On-line Check Calculation transaction, allows you to perform the supplemental pay processing necessary to produce a check for an employee.
Pending Pay DetailsPending Pay Details
Use the Pending Pay Details tab to view or download pending payment details.
Pending Deduction DetailsPending Deduction Details
Use the Pending Deduction Details tab to view or download pending deduction details.
This tab contains the following row-level action:
Modify Deposit Reissue - This action creates and opens the Deposit Reissue (DPRI) transactions, which allows you to modify the status of a pending payment.
Pending Fringe DetailsPending Fringe Details
Use the Pending Fringe Details tab to view or download pending fringe details.
Current On-line ChecksCurrent On-line Checks
Use the Current On-line Checks tab to view the disposition and summary information for on-line checks. The tab can also be used to create check dispositions or on-line check calculations. The information can also be downloaded to a spreadsheet format using the Grid Action menu.
Related ActionsRelated Actions
Use the Related Actions option to Create Timesheet Adjustments and Create External Adjustments.
Search for an employee and applicable effective dates. Select the employee in the grid and select Related Actions. Users can also select Related Actions from each tab of the activity folder.