Personnel Action Wizard Rules Leave Processing

The Personnel Action Wizard Rules Leave Processing (PAWRLP) page allows you to configure leave termination processing rules for leave balances. The page allows you to define whether a leave balance should be paid out or reset to zero based on a personnel action or personnel action/reason combination for a valid Leave Policy and Leave Category combination.

For the Reset action, the page provides the ability to reduce a leave balance to zero without generating a payment for the leave balance.

For a Payout leave action, the page provides the ability to configure restrictions to pay out leave balances up to a designated percent of the available balance. Additionally, a maximum number of hours may also be configured to limit the number of hours that are paid out at termination. For any remaining hours, a Leave Reset event can be entered to reduce the outstanding balance after all eligible hours have been paid out.

The page also provides the ability to verify an employee’s eligibility prior to paying out a leave balance. Using either the Leave Progression Start date or the Original Appointment Date, the system validates whether an employee has been hired for a user-defined number of months if the Check Leave Date check box has been selected. If the employee is eligible, then the Payout action is allowed. If not, the Payout action is not allowed and an Override Leave Reset Event code can be entered to reduce the remaining leave balance to zero.

Finally, the page provides the ability to control the pay out of leave balances against a leave category cap, which could be composed of multiple leave balances.