Supplemental Pay Processing
A supplemental pay cycle is an interim payroll run used to produce replacement, duplicate, and special payment checks. A supplemental pay cycle is run on request, not on a specific schedule like a regular payroll run. Employees are processed through a supplemental pay cycle when a supplemental pay trigger exists for that employee. These triggers can be created manually online or automatically through online transactions.
Events Processed During Supplemental Pay Cycles
The following types of events are processed during a supplemental pay cycle:
Replacement Check Supplemental TriggerReplacement Check Supplemental Trigger
The replacement check supplemental trigger is used to replace an incorrect or lost check. When a check has been canceled and replaced using the Check Disposition (CHCK) page, a replacement check supplement trigger is automatically created. When a replacement check for a canceled check is processed in a Supplemental Pay Cycle, the pay period end date of the original check is used in the calculation of the taxes for the replacement check. For more information, see Canceling and Replacing Checks.
Special payments (for example, by-pay-type, no-pay-calc, and multiple by-pay-type)
By-Pay-Type Supplemental TriggerBy-Pay-Type Supplemental Trigger
The by-pay-type supplemental trigger is used to produce checks for special payments according to a specific pay event type such as a bonus or uniform allowance. The pay event type specifies which type of special payment the employee receives. Each pay type is paid on a separate check. The supplemental pay cycle picks up these pending payments for employees that match the pay type specified on the trigger and have Supplemental Pay set to By-Pay-Type.
Multiple By-Pay-Type Supplemental Trigger
The multiple by-pay-type supplemental trigger is also used to produce checks for special payments. The multiple by-pay-type supplemental includes all pending payments flagged to be included in by-pay-type supplemental cycles for certain employees. This type of trigger does not require a specific pay type on the Supplemental Pay Trigger (STRG) page because it picks up all pay types that were scheduled to be processed individually in a by-pay-type supplemental. The supplemental pay cycle picks up those pending payments for an employee that match the pay type specified on the trigger and have Supplemental Type ID set to By-Pay-Type.
Retroactive Payment Supplemental TriggerRetroactive Payment Supplemental Trigger
The retroactive payment supplemental trigger is also used to process retroactive payments that were produced during the retroactive pay process and marked to be picked up in this separate supplemental run. This option does not produce these payments, but picks them up after they have been produced by the retroactive pay process. The supplemental pay cycle picks up these pending payments for an employee that match the pay type specified on the trigger and have Supplemental Type ID set to Retroactive.
Advance processing Supplemental TriggerAdvance processing Supplemental Trigger
The advance processing supplemental trigger is used to produce a check before the normal pay cycle for the specified employee appointment. For example, if your organization pays employees once a month, and an employee is terminated during the first week of the month, the advance processing supplemental allows you to issue a check to that employee on or near the termination date.
Single Warrant Supplemental TriggerSingle Warrant Supplemental Trigger
The Single Warrant Supplemental Trigger indicates that Gross-to-Net (GTN) should process supplemental payments as individual payments based on the pay period the supplemental payment is reported for. For example, if an employee has 6 supplemental payments that span 3 pay period, 3 Single Warrant Supplemental Triggers should be submitted (1 for each pay period) and when GTN processes the payments it will result in 3 checks for the employee, one for each trigger processed.
No-Pay-Calc Supplemental TriggerNo-Pay-Calc Supplemental Trigger
The no-pay-calc supplemental trigger is used to process adjustments for a specified employee appointment. It is used most frequently to process external adjustments. When an External Adjustment (EADJ) is processed, a no-pay-calc supplemental updates the employee’s summary and balance records. However, if a no-pay-calc supplemental is not run, these records are updated when the next regular pay cycle is run. The supplemental pay cycle picks up check cancellations, pending payments, external adjustments, pending payments, and any other adjustments when Supplemental Type ID is set to No-Pay-Calc Processing.
Duplicate Check Supplemental TriggerDuplicate Check Supplemental Trigger
The duplicate check supplemental trigger is generated when a check containing smoothed contract pay details is canceled. This type of supplemental trigger cannot be created from the Supplemental Pay Trigger (STRG) page. It is automatically created when a check is canceled and required to be duplicated on the Check Disposition (CHCK) page.
Supplemental cycles can be set to use either a flat tax rate or a marginal tax rate for tax deduction processing. See the Set-Up Options and the Tax Reporting Supplement for more information.
More information on Supplemental Pay can be found in the following topics: