Timesheet Event Selection
The Timesheet Event Selection page allows you to indicate pay and leave event type codes to be printed on a timesheet for an employee. Using this page, you define the list of valid events for a given pay or leave policy, Work Location, Position Number, and pay location along with organizational values like Home Department, Home Unit, Union Local. The event type codes that are printed on an employee's timesheet are based on this defined list. An employee in a policy and pay location not defined on this page does not have any event codes printed. Many times, there are event codes that are common across pay locations within a pay policy or leave policy. The system allows a wildcard values for Home Department, Home Unit, Union Local, Work Location and Pay Location.
When a Pay Policy/Event Type combination is entered on the TSHT page, if the Event Type ID is a Pay Event, the system checks to see whether the event type exists on the Pay Policy Event Type (PPET) page and tries to match the Pay Policy/Event Type record to the one on PPET. If no match is found, it looks for a wildcard pay policy to match the event type. If this match is not found, the system issues an error message.
Field InformationField Information
The Print Hours on Timesheet check box on TSHT page determines whether or not the hours are populated on Timesheets against a defined event code.
If selected, hours will be retrieved from Approved Overtime, Approved Leave or Work Schedule information if available and populated on Timesheets.
If this check box is cleared, hours will not be populated on Timesheets even though they are available and only event codes are printed.
The Append Event check box on TSHT page determines whether or not an event code is printed on the individual Timesheet (TIMEI) or Group Timesheet (TIMEG) transaction.
If selected, the event codes that are defined on the TSHT page will be printed on timesheets irrespective of whether hours are available in the approved Leave Request (LREQ), Overtime Request (OREQ) or Work Schedule information, if available event code along with hours will be populated, if the hours are not available then only event code will be printed.
If this check box is cleared, then the event codes on Timesheet (TIMEI) or Group Timesheet (TIMEG) will not be printed if hours on approved Leave Request (LREQ), Overtime Request (OREQ) or Work Schedule information are not available.
Note: Hours will be populated on the Timesheet or Group Timesheet, only if the Print Hours on Timesheet check box is selected, otherwise even if hours are available they will not be printed on Timesheets.