Applicant Mass Change

The Applicant Mass Change (AMAS) page is used when a single change is to be applied to multiple Job Application (JOBA) transactions. Ordinarily, these adjustments would be accomplished on an application by application basis. The Applicant Mass Change batch process provides a method for updating the attributes of a large group of applications. Entering data into the Applicant Mass Change page is the first step of the batch process. Please refer to the CGI Advantage On Request Processing Run Sheet Guide for remaining steps in this process.  The Applicant Mass Change page allows you to create new job applications for all applicants who have applied for the job notice specified in the selection criteria. You can also use this page to change the application status, application status reason, and/or application status date of all applications for the job notice specified in the selection criteria.

 Selection Criteria are used to identify the exact group of applications for which the change should be made.