Application Parameter

Set up the following Application Parameters that affect the processing of Personnel Management in Advantage HRM:




(Parameter to configure the Employee display name)

This parameter indicates how the employee’s name should be displayed throughout the Advantage HRM application. Possible values for the parameter are: 0, 1, 2, or 3.  

  • Parameter value = 0 will display last name, first name, and first letter of the middle name (for example “Smith, John B”).

  • Parameter value = 1 will display last name and first name (for example “Smith, John”).

  • Parameter value = 2 will display first name and then last name (for example “John Smith”).

  • Parameter value = 3 will display first name, first letter of middle name, and then last name (for example “John B Smith”).


(Employee Assignment Errors)

This parameter indicates how the employee assignment setup related errors will be issued on select HRM activity folders.  Note that not all setup errors will be handled, but a subset related to employee profile creation is validated on accessing the activity folders and will produce a message to the user. This option is useful primarily in pre-production setup phase to identify any setup issues.  This parameter accepts two values: True, or False.

  • If the parameter value = False, employee profile setup related errors will not be issued.

  • If the parameter value = True, the employee profile setup related errors are issued on the activity folders as of the current system date.

Note: The Employee profile setup related errors are cached and only issued once per session.

PERF_JOURNEY_LICENSED_SITE  (Performance Journey Licensed Site)

This parameter controls the Performance Journey module functionality. Sites that are licensed to use Performance Journey will have the value set to Y, other sites will have N and the functionality will not be available. Valid values are: Y or N.

(User Calendar Fiscal Year)

Parameter allows a Transaction ID prefix to be the Calendar Fiscal Year. 
By default, the parameter value is False, which means Current Year is used as Prefix in Transaction ID. If parameter value is True, Calendar Fiscal Year is used as Prefix in Transaction ID. Sites who wants Calendar Fiscal Year as Prefix on Transaction ID should use parameter value as True.