Automatic Step Increase Selection Criteria

The Automatic Step Increase Selection Criteria reference page allows you to define the selection criteria used by the Process Automatic Step Increase Selection Criteria batch job to determine which employees should be evaluated for an automatic step increase, as well as the step increase processing information for non-table driven pay employees.

The Selection Criteria-General Information and Selection Criteria – Filters scalars are used to identify the employees who are eligible for an automatic step increase.  The selection criteria can be defined by using organizational values (Home Department, Home Unit, Pay Policy, Union Local) and by using dynamic filters. Sites can use the 10 Selection Criteria filters to build selection criteria specific to the site’s needs. The combination of the Selection Criteria Filter, Selection Criteria Operator, and Selection Criteria Value fields are used by the Process Automatic Step Increase Selection Criteria batch job to determine which employee assignment attributes should be included in the selection criteria.

Some examples of valid Selection Criteria Filters would be the following:

Example 1Example 1

  • Selection Criteria Field 1: Employment Status

  • Selection Criteria Operator 1: In

  • Selection Criteria Value 1: A,B,C

This Selection Criteria filter would select all employees who have an Employment Status of A or B or C to be reviewed for automatic step increase eligibility processing.

Example 2Example 2

  • Selection Criteria Field 1: Personnel Action Code

  • Selection Criteria Operator 1: Like

  • Selection Criteria Value 1: NEW%,COR%

This Selection Criteria filter would select all employees who have a Personnel Action Code that starts with NEW or who have a Personnel Action Code that starts with COR to be reviewed for automatic step increase eligibility processing.

The Step Increase Processing – Non-Table Driven Pay section is used to define the processing information for the non-table driven employees who were found eligible for an automatic step increase.

Field InformationField Information

The Automatic Step Increase Selection Criteria page includes the following fields and functionality:

Field Name

Field Description

Automatic Step Increase Code

The Process Automatic Step Increase Selection Criteria batch process uses this value as input to determine which STEPSC entries should be picked up for processing.

For example, if there are 5 STEPSC entries that should always be processed together, they can be assigned the same Automatic Step Increase Code. When that Automatic Step Increase Code is entered in the job parameters for the Process Automatic Step Increase Selection Criteria batch job, all 5 STEPSC entries will be picked up for processing.

Catchup Step Personnel Action Code

Defines the Personnel Action (PACT) code that will be populated on the Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transaction that is generated by the batch job with the automatic step increase processed is a catchup step increase.

Enforce Title Salary Maximum

This check box identifies whether or not maximum salary limits should be enforced on non-table driven employees that are eligible for an automatic step increase.

When this check box is selected and an employee is already at their maximum salary, a step increase will not be processed for the employee.

When this check box is selected and an employee will meet their maximum salary with the step increase, the pay rate increase will cap at an amount equal to the maximum annual salary defined on the employee’s Title.

When this check box is cleared, maximum salary limits will not be enforced when processing automatic step increases.

The functionality behind the Enforce Title Salary Maximum check box is supported for the following Amount Basis IDs: Annual Salary, Daily Amount, Hourly Amount, and Pay Period Amount.


The Grade that the STEPSC entry is valid for. When the Table Driven Definition is set to Non-Table Driven, users are required to enter a Grade code in this pick list to associate eligible employees with the correct automatic step increase processing information.

Home Department, Home Unit, Pay Policy, Union Local

These fields are used to define organizational values that should be considered when selecting eligible employees for automatic step increase processing. Employees that have a Home Department, Home Unit, Pay Policy, or Union Local that matches the value entered in the associated pick list will be selected for processing. These pick lists support wildcard (“*****”) entries to indicate that the organizational value should not be included in the selection criteria.

When a value is entered in the Home Unit pick list, a non-wildcard value is required in the Home Department pick list.

Max Step - Automatic Move Months

When a value is entered, any employee who has creditable months of service equal to or greater than this value will automatically receive a catchup step to move the employee to the maximum or last step for their grade.

This value should be entered as a whole number. If employees should not automatically move to the maximum or last step of their grade based on their creditable months of service, this field should be left blank.

Max Step - Minimum Months

When a value is entered, employees will need creditable months of service equal to or greater than the value in order to be eligible to move to the maximum or last step of their grade.

This value should be entered as a whole number. If there is not a minimum service requirement for an employee to move to the maximum or last step of their grade, this field should be left blank.

Months on Progression

The number of months an employee should spend on a given progression amount before they are eligible for another step/pay increase.

Progression Amount

The dollar amount that a Non-Table Driven employee’s pay rate will increase if they are eligible for an automatic step increase.

Progression Percentage

The percentage that a Non-Table Driven employee’s pay rate will increase if they are eligible for an automatic step increase.

Regular Step Personnel Action Code

Defines the Personnel Action (PACT) code that will be populated on the Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transaction generated by the batch job for the automatic step increase.

Selection Criteria Field 1 to 10

These drop-downs include the employee assignment attributes that can be utilized for dynamically specifying selection criteria that should be used to determine employee eligibility for automatic step increase processing. The following employee assignment attributes are currently supported: Civil Service Status, Employment Status, Grade, Home Department, Home Unit, Pay Class, Pay Policy, Payroll Number, Personnel Action, Personnel Action Reason, Position Number, Sub-Title, Title, and Union Local.

When a Selection Criteria Field is set to Home Department, Home Unit, Pay Policy, or Union Local, the corresponding pick list in the Selection Criteria – General Information scalar must be set to a wildcard (“*****”) value.

Selection Criteria Operator 1 to 10

These drop-downs include the operators that can be utilized for dynamically specifying selection criteria that should be used to determine employee eligibility for automatic step increase processing. The following operators are currently supported: In, Not In, Like, and Not Like.

Selection Criteria Value 1 to 10

These fields are used to create a comma-separated list to indicate multiple values should be included for a given filter.

When the operator used is Not In or Not Like, the comma will be treated as an AND condition. When the operator used is In or Like, the comma will be treated as an OR. condition.

Table Driven Definition

This field determines if the employees selected for processing by this entry are Table Driven or Non-Table Driven employees.