Automatic Generation of Employee ID
CGI Advantage HRM provides the ability to automatically generate unique Employee ID’s for employees through the New Employee (NEMP), Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT), and Employee Identification Change Form (EICF) pages. The AUTO GEN EMPLOYEE ID parameter on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page controls whether or not the Employee ID field can be entered manually or if it will be automatically generated.
To invoke the automatic generation of Employee ID’s, the Yes/No Flag field of the AUTO GEN EMPLOYEE ID parameter on SPAR should be selected. The manual entry or editing of the Employee ID through the New Employee (NEMP) and Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) pages is prohibited and an error is issued if a user attempts to manually enter the Employee ID. When this SPAR entry is selected, the APPLICANT ID IS EMPLOYEE ID and EMPLOYEE ID IS SSN parameter entries on SPAR must be cleared (No). In addition, when the AUTO GEN EMPLOYEE ID parameter is selected, the ability to manually enter a new Employee ID on the Employee Identification Change Form (EICF) transaction is restricted.
If you do not wish to have the Employee ID automatically generated, set the Yes/No Flag field cleared for the AUTO GEN EMPLOYEE ID parameter. Manual modifications of established Employee ID's are then allowed via the Employee Identification Change Form (EICF).
The Numeric Value field of this parameter controls the length of the Employee ID. The maximum length for Employee ID is ten digits long. The Employee ID will be generated based on the length set in the Numeric Value field and will be right-justified. For example, if the Numeric Value field value is set to 6.0, the system will generate a six character Employee ID. (for example, XXXX123456, where X = space)
Note: only the integer value on the Numeric Value field will be valid and decimal values will not be considered.
Finally, the Generate New ID check box on the EICF transaction indicates that a new Employee ID should be created for an existing employee. If auto generation of Employee ID is invoked, and this check box on EICF is selected, the New Employee ID field must be left blank and the system automatically generates a new Employee ID. If the check box is cleared, then the Employee ID must remain unchanged and the New Employee ID is the same as the original Employee ID. If auto generation of Employee ID is not being used, then the use of the Generate New ID check box on EICF is not allowed.