
This Course page allows you to define the codes that identify educational or training courses in which employees can participate and accumulate towards a degree or career advancement.

You can track training schedules, enrollments, and waitlist status of employees registered for various courses. Additionally, you can define restrictions for a course such as limiting the number of students who can take a course, restricting a course to a particular department or unit, or a combination of both.

The Cancel Course check box on this page indicates that a previously entered course has been cancelled.

Note: It is important that when courses are modified or cancelled, that a report is run to determine which employees are enrolled in the course. These employees will need to be notified about the course modifications, such as through an Alert or Broadcast message. In addition, if any employees have submitted reimbursement requests for a cancelled course, necessary steps to cancel these reimbursements and any associated payments will need to be taken.