Course Class Section
The Course Class Section page allows you to designate what Class Sections are available for a given Course, along with the date range in which the section is offered and the start and end times. Course, Class Section and the From date are all required fields on this page. The options listed on this may then be chosen by the employee on the Employee Training Profile (ETRP) transaction.
Note: The system issues an error if the date range specified is not valid for a given Course.
When an existing course/class section record is modified and if any employees are already enrolled in the class/course section, a warning message will be issued to notify the user that there are employees enrolled who will need to be notified of the modifications. For example, if the class section for the course was previously defined with a start time of 8:00 AM and this gets changed to 9:00 AM, the warning message will be issued if there were any employees enrolled into the course with this class section.
Note: It is important that when courses are modified or cancelled, that a report is run to determine which employees are enrolled in the course. These employees will need to be notified about the course modifications, such as through an Alert or Broadcast message.