Employee FastTrack Wizard (EMPFTW)

Advantage HRM includes a process to automate the way transactions necessary to hire new or modify existing employees are created through the Employee FastTrack Wizard. The Employee FastTrack Wizard provides a three-step process for creating/modifying the Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT), Department Specific Data (DEPTD), Employee Attributes (ATTR), Employee Address (ADDR), and Employee Tax Parameter (TAX) transactions.

The Employee FastTrack Wizard is comprised of the following components:

Employee FastTrack Wizard Splash page Employee FastTrack Wizard Splash page

This page allows you to create a new session or search an existing session. You can search an existing session using the Session Number, Session Description, Session Status, Employee ID, Appointment ID, First Name, Last Name, and Title. Session Status can be either In Progress or Complete. Each session can be open or deleted using the row-level action within the grid. If Open Session is selected within the row-level action menu and the Session Status is set to In Progress, user will be taken to the Select Employee page of the wizard. If Open Session is selected within the row-level action and the Session Status is set to Complete, user will be taken to the Create and Review Transactions page of the wizard. If Delete Session is selected within the row-level action, only the session will be deleted and not any transactions that might have been created by the wizard.

Select EmployeeSelect Employee

Allows you to search for an existing employee to modify or create a new employee within the wizard. You can search an employee using the search fields within the Select Employee page. The search results only displays employee’s current assignment information. Selecting the Create New Employee button will navigate you to Enter Employees Details page where the Action will be set to Create New Employee. The row-level action Update will navigate you to the Enter Employee Details page where the Action will be set to Update Existing Employee.

If at any time you navigate back to the Select Employee page, selecting the Continue button will navigate you back to the Enter Employee Details page with all the saved date you have entered previously.  If you select another employee or select the Create New Employee, the data on Enter Employee Details will be reset.

Enter Employee DetailsEnter Employee Details

Allows you to enter employee information to create Employee Status Maintenance, Department Specific Data, Employee Attributes, Employee Address, and/or Employee Tax Parameter transactions. There are following sections within this page:

  • Header Section (untitled) - The Session Number is a read only field determined by the Unique Numbers (UNUM) record with the Sequence Name of EMPFTW_SESSION_NO. The Action is a read only field determined by the selection made in the Select Employee page of the wizard. The Session Description and Notes fields are for user specific business use.

  • Assignment Information - This section allows you to enter the employee related information (same information as of an Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transaction). If Create New Employee is selected in the Action field, then the From date will be populated but all other information will be blank. If Update Existing Employee is selected within the Action field, then the current assignment information would be populated for the employee entered in the Action field. The Use Existing Assignment Information check box field is present if Update Existing Employee is selected. By default this check box will be cleared. An Employee Status Maintenance transaction will not be created within a wizard session if the Use Existing Assignment Information is selected, all fields are left blank within this section, or all field but the From date is left blank in this section as per the selection.

  • Department Specific Data Information - This section allows you to enter the employee department related information (same information a of a Department Specific Data (DEPTD) transaction). If Create New Employee is selected within the Action field, then the From date will be populated but all other information will be blank. If Update Existing Employee is selected within the Action field, then the current assignment information will be populated for the employee entered in the Action field. The Use Existing Department Specific Data Information check box field is present if Update Existing Employee is selected. By default this check box will be selected. A Department Specific Data transaction will not be created within a wizard session if the Use Existing Department Specific Date Information check box is selected, all fields are left blank within this section, or all field but the From date is  left blank in this section as per the selection.

  • Attribute Information - This section allows you to enter the employee attribute related information (the same information as of an Employee Attributes (ATTR) transaction. If Create New Employee is selected within the Action field, then the From date will be populated but all other information will be blank. If Update Existing Employee is selected within the Action field, then the current attribute information will be populated for the employee entered in the Action field. The Use Existing Attribute Information check box field is present if Update Existing Employee is selected. By default this check box will be selected. An Employee Attributes transaction will not be created within a wizard session if the Use Existing Attribute Information check box is selected, all fields are left blank within this section, or all field but the From date is left blank in this section as per the selection.

  • Address Information - This section allows you to enter the employee’s address information (same information as of an Employee Address (ADDR) transaction). If Create New Employee is selected within the Action field, then the From date will be populated but all other information will be blank. If Update Existing Employee is selected within the Action field, then the current address information will be populated for the employee entered in the Action field. The Use Existing Address Information check box field is present if Update Existing Employee is selected. By default this check box will be selected. An Employee Address transaction will not be created within a wizard session if the Use Existing Address Information check box is selected, all fields are left blank within this section, or all field but the From date is left blank in this section as per the selection.

  • Tax Information - When the MULTI_STATE_TAX parameter on Application Parameter (APPCTRL) is set to N, this section is available and allows you to enter the tax information (same information as of an Employee Tax Parameter (TAX) transaction). If Create New Employee is selected within the Action field, then the From date will be populated but all other information will be blank. If Update Existing Employee is selected within the Action field, then the current tax information will be populated for the employee entered in the Action field. The Use Existing Tax Information check box field is present if Update Existing Employee is selected. By default this check box will be selected.  An Employee Tax Parameter transaction will not be created within a wizard session if the Use Existing Tax Information is selected, all fields are left blank within this section, or all field but the From date is left blank in this section as per the selection.

  • Federal Tax Information - When the MULTI_STATE_TAX parameter on Application Parameter (APPCTRL) is set to Y, this section is available and allows you to enter the federal tax information (same information as of a Federal Tax Enrollment (TAXF) transaction). If Create New Employee is selected within the Action field, then the From date is populated but all other information is left blank. If Update Existing Employee is selected within the Action field, then the current tax information is populated for the employee entered in the Action field. The Use Existing Federal Tax Information check box field is present if Update Existing Employee is selected. By default, this check box is selected.  A Federal Tax Enrollment transaction is not created within a wizard session if the Use Existing Federal Tax Information is selected, all fields are left blank within this section, or all field but the From date is left blank in this section as per the selection.

  • State Tax Information - When the MULTI_STATE_TAX parameter on Application Parameter (APPCTRL) is set to Y, this section is available and allows you to enter the state tax information (same information as of a State Tax Enrollment (TAXS) transaction). If Create New Employee is selected within the Action field, then the From date is populated but all other information is left blank. If Update Existing Employee is selected within the Action field, then the current tax information is populated for the employee entered in the Action field. The Use Existing State Tax Information check box field is present if Update Existing Employee is selected. By default, this check box is selected.  A State Tax Enrollment transaction is not created within a wizard session if the Use Existing State Tax Information is selected, all fields are left blank within this section, or all field but the From date is left blank in this section as per the selection.

  • Licenses and Certifications Information - This section allows you to enter the employee’s Licenses and Certifications information (same information as on Licenses and Certifications (LCNS) transaction). This section allows to add or modify upto five licenses and certifications. This section is hidden by default and needs to be enabled via designer for usage. If Create New Employee is selected within the Action field, then the From date is populated but all other information will be blank. If Update Existing Employee is selected within the Action field, then the current licenses and certifications information is populated for the employee entered in the Action field. The Use Existing Licenses and Certifications Information check box is only present if Update Existing Employee is selected. By default, this check box is selected. 

Create and Review TransactionsCreate and Review Transactions

This page allows you to create the transactions based on the new or updated information entered within the Enter Employee Details page. The scalar section allows you to first review the Session Number, Session Description, Employee ID Employee Name and Appointment ID details. The Transaction ID Prefix field allows you to enter a prefix that will be added to the Transaction ID for each record created by the wizard.  If the Submit Transactions check box is cleared, then transactions will be created in the Phase/Status of Draft/Held. If Submit Transactions is selected and Bypass Approvals is selected or cleared, transactions will be submitted in the following order: Employee Status Maintenance, Department Specific Data, Employee Attributes, Employee Address, and then Employee Tax Parameter. If Submit Transactions is selected and the Action is set to Create New Employee, The Employee Status Maintenance must be updated to the Phase of Final before any other transaction can be submitted. If the Employee Status Maintenance fails due to errors or goes into workflow (move to Phase of Pending), then the remaining transactions will remain in Phase/Status of Draft/Held.

Once the transactions are created, the Submit Transaction will appear if one or more of the transactions are set to the Phase of Draft. When selected, it will submit the transactions in the following order: Employee Status Maintenance, Department Specific Data, Employee Attributes, Employee Address, then Employee Tax Parameter. If one transactions is already in the Phase of Final, it will be skipped and system will move to the next transaction. If select action is set to Create New Employee, the Employee Status Maintenance transaction must be in the Phase of Final before moving on to another transaction. If the select action is set to Modify Existing Employee, the Employee Status Maintenance transaction does not have to be in the Phase of Final before moving on to another transaction.

Navigation within the Wizard

The Employee FastTrack Wizard contains a set of processing buttons displayed at the top of each page.  The buttons function as follows:

  • Previous - The wizard saves all inputs and returns to the previous page.

  • Save - The wizard saves all inputs that have been entered.

  • Continue - The wizard saves the entries on the current page and navigates to the next page.

  • Create Transactions - The wizard utilizes the data input on all pages to create the Employee Status Maintenance, Department Specific Data, Employee Attributes, Employee Address, and/or Employee Tax Parameter transactions.

  • Exit - The wizard saves all inputs and exits from the current page and navigates to Employee FastTrack Wizard splash page. You can resume the session by selecting Open Session within the row-level action menu on the grid within the Employee FastTrack Wizard splash page.