Employee Education History (EEDH)
The Employee Education History (EEDH) transaction allows you to create, Modify and Deleting employees' training profiles during their learning and career development.
Note: An Employee can also update their Education History via the Learning and Career Development Landing > Manage Proficiency Profile carousel tile to add new or edit existing education history information. Employees should refer to the “Education History” topic in the Employee/Manager User Guide for more information.
Field InformationField Information
Use this tab to enter the degrees earned by the employee such as employee's major subject of study in Major, minor subject of study in Minor, average grade points earned in Grade Point Average, Degree Earned and Degree Verified.
This tab also allows you to describe the employee's educational background. You can enter the description in the Comments field.
The Employee Education History transaction can be created in the following ways:
Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.
Select the Create or Edit action on the Learning and Career Development Landing > Manage Proficiency Profile carousel tile to add new or edit an existing information for the selected employee.
Once you have made all the changes, select the Validate button to make sure all your entries are correct. Select Submit to submit the transaction. Select Save to save the details you entered. You can select the Save & Close button to save the details you entered and return to the Manage Proficiency Profile carousel tile. If you select the Cancel button, you will exit the Employee Education History transaction without saving your changes.