Mass Change Requests for Employee Status Maintenance (Enhanced)

The Mass Change Requests for Employee Status Maintenance (MASSE) reference page is used when updates/corrections are needed for multiple Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transactions at one time. Ordinarily, these adjustments would be processed on an employee by employee basis. However, the MASSE reference page provides a method for updating the attributes of a large group of employees at one time.

The MASSE reference page has the following three tabs:

Selection CriteriaSelection Criteria

The Selection Criteria tab is used to identify the exact group of employees for whom the changes should be made. The several sections under this tab consists of different attributes used as selection criteria for the employees that need changes.

Exclusion CriteriaExclusion Criteria

The Exclusion Criteria tab is used to exclude a subset of employees from the selection criteria who should be excluded from the revision. This Tab is hidden by default and needs to be enabled via designer for usage.
All pick list fields under the Exclusion Criteria tab can be used in combinations while defining the exclusion criteria. A user must use valid combinations to get the desired results. For example, if the selection criteria is based on a particular Title, then exclusion criteria can be based on specific sub-titles. The user can also define a set of Employee IDs to be excluded from overall selection, for such scenario multiple rows can be defined on the Exclusion Criteria tab with the Employee ID field populated in each row. 

All fields within a row in the Exclusion Criteria tab are read with AND condition and all rows are excluded with OR condition. 

Revised CriteriaRevised Criteria

The Revised Attributes tab is used to specify the attributes that are to be changed for the group of employees determined in the Selection Criteria and includes several sections, each consisting of different attributes used to make changes to the group of employees specified in the selection criteria.

Functions within MASSE Reference PageFunctions within MASSE Reference Page

The MASSE reference page includes the following functionality:

  • Run Report - When the Run Report button is selected, the Mass Change for Employee Status Maintenance batch job is initiated in Report mode. The generated report lists the employees that would be picked up by the run for the current MASSE record and includes the Employee ID, Appointment, Request Number and Transaction Code for each processed employee. An informational message is displayed at the top of the screen stating, the Batch Job ID of the batch run that will generate the report.

Note - the performance time of the batch job run will vary based on the selection criteria provided. It is advised that at a minimum all key values are entered in the selection criteria to avoid unwanted performance behavior.

  • Retain Request After Processing flag - When this flag is selected, the Request Number will not be deleted from the MASSE reference page after it has been processed by the Mass Change for Employee Status Maintenance batch process. This allows for the same request to be processed multiple times without creating new entries on the MASSE reference page after each batch job run. When this flag is not selected, the Request Number entry will be deleted from the MASSE reference page after it has been processed by the Mass Change for Employee Status Maintenance batch process.

  • Revised From Date Definition - This drop down field includes the following three options: Use Entered Date, Use Calculated Date, and Use Date Parameter.

  • If Use Entered Date is selected, the Revised From scalar displays the Revised From date field. The Mass Change for Employee Status Maintenance batch job uses the date entered on this field as the new From date on the Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transactions generated.  

  • If Use Calculated Date is selected, the Revised From scalar displays the Date Field, Operator, and the Number of Days field. The Mass Change for Employee Status Maintenance batch job uses the Date Field, Operator, and Number of Days fields to calculate the new From Date on ESMT transactions generated. For example, if the From Date on the new ESMT should be the day after the employee’s Probation End Date, users would set the Date Field drop down value to Probation End Date, the Operator field drop down value to + and the Number of Days field to 1.

  •  If Use Date Parameter is selected, the Revised From scalar does not display and the user is not required to enter any from date information on this reference page. The date will need to be entered on the Date Override batch job parameter prior to submitting the Mass Change for Employee Status Maintenance batch job which will use the date entered in the Date Override parameter as the new From Date on generated ESMT transactions.

  • Date Processing capabilities - The MASSE reference page includes the ability to select employee’s for mass change processing based on the dates associated with their employee assignment record. To select an employee based on a specific date, users can manually enter a date in one of the date fields as part of the Selection Criteria for the MASSE entry. When the batch job is executed, any employee that has a Date that matches the manually entered date is picked up for processing. To select an employee based on the current system date, users can select one of the Use Current Date flags as part of the Selection Criteria for the MASSE entry. When the batch job is executed, any employees that have a Date that matches the current system date is picked up for processing.

Note - if a Use Current Date flag is selected, the corresponding Date field cannot be populated and users will receive an error message if both are populated.

  • Clear Attributes capabilities: The Clear Attributes scalar consists of flags that when selected, allows users to clear out the corresponding employee assignment attribute through the mass change process so that updates/corrections can be made as needed without having to specify a value in fields that are not required. When a Clear Attribute flag is not selected, the ESMT transaction will carry forward the current value that is populated in the field on the employee's assignment record. When a Clear Attribute flag is selected for a given attribute, the Mass Change for Employee Status Maintenance batch job will not populate a value in this field on the new ESMT transaction that is generated by the batch job.

Note - if a Clear Attribute flag is selected, the corresponding Revised Attribute cannot be populated. Users will receive an error message if both are populated.