Mass Change Requests for Employee Evaluations
The Mass Change Requests for Employee Evaluations (MASSEV) reference page is used when updates/corrections are needed for multiple Employee Evaluations (EVAL) transactions at one time. Generally, these adjustments are processed on an employee-to-employee basis. However, the MASSEV reference page provides a method for updating the evaluation related attributes of a large group of employees at one time.
Each record created on the MASSEV page is associated with a request number. This MASSEV request number is used by Mass Change for Employee Evaluation offline process to update the Employee Evaluation transactions in the transaction table.
Note that this whole process is to be used to update the Eval transactions that are still in progress and not the ones that are completed or in the final submitted status. Similarly, it can be used to clean up (delete) any reviewer feedback requests or 360-Degree Feedback requests that are in the pending state.
Administrators should ensure that correct selection and revised attributes criteria combinations are used as the Mass Change for Employee Evaluation process would impact the EVAL transactions directly.
The MASSEV reference page has the following two tabs:
Selection CriteriaSelection Criteria
The Selection Criteria tab is used to identify the exact group of employees for whom the changes needs be made. The several sections under this tab consist of different attributes used as selection criteria for the employees that need changes.
Revised AttributesRevised Attributes
The Revised Attributes tab is used to specify the attributes that needs to be changed for the group of employees determined in the Selection Criteria and includes several sections, each consists of different attributes used to make changes to the group of employees specified in the selection criteria.
There is a provision for deleting any Reviewer and 360 Reviewer requests. It is recommended that only the requests in Review Pending or Feedback Pending status should be deleted.
Combination of 360 Reviewer ID, Appointment ID, 360 Review status (Feedback Pending status should be used) and the Delete Pending 360 Reviewer check box in the 360 Degree Feedback scalar on the Revised Attribute tab can be used to clean up any 360 Review requests that are pending for long.
Combination of Reviewer ID, Appointment ID, Review Status (Review Pending status should be used) and the Delete Pending Reviewer check box in the Reviewer Feedback scalar on the Revised Attribute tab can be used to clean up any Review requests that are pending for long.
Functions within MASSEV Reference PageFunctions within MASSEV Reference Page
The MASSEV reference page supports the following functionality:
Run Report - When the Run Report button is selected, the Mass Change for Employee Evaluations batch job is initiated in Report mode. The generated report lists the employees who would be picked up by the run for the current MASSEV record and includes the Employee ID, Appointment, Request Number and Transaction Code for each processed employee. An informational message is displayed at the top of the page stating the Batch Job ID of the batch run that generates the report.
Note - The performance time of the batch job run differs based on the selection criteria provided. It is advised that at a minimum all key values are entered in the selection criteria to avoid an unwanted performance behavior.
Date Processing capabilities - The MASSEV reference page includes the ability to select employees for mass change processing based on the evaluation period associated with the employee’s performance type. To select an employee based on a specific date, users can manually enter a date in one of the date field as part of the Selection Criteria for the MASSEV entry. When the batch job is executed, any employee who has an evaluation that matches the manually entered date is picked up for processing. When the batch job is executed, any employee with an evaluation period matching the current system date is picked up for processing.
Used by Mass Change for Employee Evaluation batch job to make the changes to the Employee Evaluation (EVAL) transactions. The job reads data from the Mass Change Evaluation (MASSEV) table. Based on the data on the Selection Criteria tab, the Employee evaluation transactions are selected for changes; similarly based on data on the Revised Attributes tab, the values are updated in Employee Evaluation transactions. Clean up of any pending 360 Review requests or Reviewer Requests is also available via Delete 360 Reviewer and Delete Reviewer check boxes in combination with Reviewer IDs and/or Review status.