Organization Charting Gateway
The Organization Charting Gateway page provides the ability to chart an organization, starting with a specified position or supervisor, by using data exported from the Advantage HRM system and importing it into third party organization software.
Prior to using the Organization Charting Gateway page, all required data pertaining to Starting Supervisor ID or Starting Position Number/Department/Unit must be entered into CGI Advantage HRM. Next, select the Type of Charting. For Position Organization charting, the Starting Reporting To Position Number/Department/Unit data at the position level must be populated. For Supervisor Organization charting, the Starting Supervisor ID data at the employee level must be populated. If this data is not properly filled out, the system will not generate the organizational charts correctly. After filling out information pertaining to the Starting Supervisor ID/Reporting To, choose the Drill Down Level, which determines how many sub-levels to add to the organization chart. The final field required is the As Of field. The As Of field is utilized as the date which the organization chart was/is scheduled to be pulled from the system and generated. The maximum number of rows of data that can be pulled from the system can be overridden by setting the Override Max Rows field. By default, this value pulls the Organization Chart Max Rows from the Organization Chart Settings (ORGS) reference page. Any value that is less than the Organization Chart Max Row numerical value can be entered into this override field. The Choose Charting Software drop down menu allows the program that will be used to open the data file to be selected. Visio and OrgPlus can be selected in the drop down menu and the template is chosen based on the value selected in Choose Charting Software. Handling knowledge of the third party organization tool is encouraged, as the user must format/sub chart the data as needed. Note: The OCG page does not provide the ability to save data entered on the page. Fields that are required to be entered act as selected criteria.
Once the selected criteria are entered on the OCG page, click the Generate Chart button. When the button is clicked, the system generates the organization chart (.advorg) data file. When generating the file, information is pulled from various database tables and used to fill out the information required in the organization chart. The ORG CHART MAX ROWS SPAR entry controls the maximum number of rows that can be exported out of Advantage HRM to use in the organization chart. If the number of rows downloaded out of Advantage HRM exceeds the numeric value on ORG CHART MAX ROWS entry or the value entered in Override Max Rows, an error is issued and processing stops. This information is stored in an .xml file, which is used to create the .advorg file that is used by the organization charting software to import the data. The XML file controls what data is retrieved from the database. For Position Organization charting, the XML template retrieves Department, Department Short Description, Unit, Unit Short Description, Position Number, Position Number Short Description, Authorized FTEs, Filled FTEs, and Vacant FTEs. For Supervisor Organization charting, the XML template retrieves Employee ID, Display Name, Department, Department Short Description, Unit, Unit Short Description, Position Number, Position Number Short Description, Title Code, Title Code Short Description, Step, Step Description, Grade, and Grade Description. Once the .advorg data file has been generated, a pop-up box is presented that allows the file to be saved to disc or to be opened. If the Open File option is selected, the client machine runs the automatic import feature, which in turn launches the file in either Microsoft Visio or Org Plus, depending on the site configuration. These 3rd party programs can now be utilized to edit or make changes to the Advantage HRM generated organization chart data file.