Personnel Action

The Personnel Action page allows you to define personnel actions codes for those actions that affect an employee's employment status, title, and pay.

Field InformationField Information

The Personnel Action page contains the following fields:

Field Name

Field Description

Alert Email Notification

Select (Y) the Yes/No Flag field to set the site such that new Employee role users will be automatically notified by email when Advantage access is added.

Allow New Effective Dates

If selected, indicates a new assignment record is allowed for an existing employee. If cleared, no new assignment record is allowed for employees when using this personnel action.

Application Required

If selected, indicates that the employee's application must exist in the Applicant Tracking Subsystem for this Personnel Action to be used. If cleared, an application is not required. For example, a merit increase does not require that the employee apply for a new job. However, a transfer may require that the employee apply for a new job.

Application Status

The code on the Application Status (APST) page that describes the status an applicant may hold in the application process.

Application Status Reason

The code on the Application Status Reason (APSR) page which defines codes that describe the reason used in assigning an applicant an application status code.

Business Role 1-3

Enter the business role(s) that should applied to users who fall under the personnel action code. Up to three business roles can be assigned per personnel action entry.

Change to Workforce

Select a value to indicate how this action affects the workforce count. The default entry is blank and entry is only required when Position Control is being enforced through SPAR table settings. Valid values are: Increase, Decrease, or No Effect.

Civil Service Action

When this is checked, the Personnel Action is identified for Civil Service processing.

Department Status

Valid values are: No Override, Override, and Not Applicable. Default is Not Applicable. Select Override to indicate that, when this Personnel Action code is entered on a Department Specific page, such as the Department Specific Data (DEPTD) page, the code is treated as a personnel action rather than as a department specific action. This means that the Personnel Action code, the Personnel Action Reason code, and the Employment Status entered on the Employment Status Maintenance (ESMT) page is reflected in the assignment entry created or altered by the page.

Email Suffix

Enter the email address suffix in the Text Value field.  Example: ””.

Employment Status 1-10

The identification code associated with the employment status code. This code indicates the status of an employee (for example active, terminated, retired, etc.). You can enter up to 10 employment statuses on the Personnel Action (PACT) reference page. The Employment status 1 is a required field.

Expire New Password

Select (Y) the Yes/No Flag field to automatically expire an Employee role user’s password after they first log in to the Advantage application. Clear (N) the Yes/No Flag to not reset passwords for users.

Generate Evaluation

If selected, a new performance evaluation record will automatically be created when this Personnel Action is used. If cleared, a new performance evaluation record need not be created automatically. Default is cleared.

Generate Expectations

If selected, a new performance expectation record will automatically be created when this Personnel Action is used. If cleared, a new performance expectation record will not be created automatically. If selected, a Period and a Type must also be entered.

Hire Employment Status

Only displayed when ‘Pre Hire Action’ is checked – When the Pre-Hire Action Flag is checked the ‘Hire Employment Status’ field is what sets the employment status on the employee’s second (after onboarding) assignment.

Hire Personnel Action

Only displayed when ‘Pre Hire Action’ is checked – When the Pre-Hire Action Flag is checked the ‘Hire Personnel Action’ field is what sets the Personnel Action field on the employee’s second (after onboarding) assignment.


This field is used when the system creates a new application user from an existing LDAP user entry. When selected, it will log all of the user activity for the user into the security logs.

New Appointment

If selected, indicates that this action results in a new appointment for the employee. If cleared, indicates that this action does not result in a new appointment for the employee.


Required if Generate Evaluation is selected; otherwise, leave blank. Select the length (in months) of the evaluation period. The value must be a whole number.

Personnel Action

The identification code associated with the personnel action code. This code is used to describe the action being taken on an employee’s assignment. (For example. new hire, promotion, salary increase, etc.)

Personnel Action Category

The identification code associated with the Personnel Action Category. The Personnel Action Category is defined on the Personnel Action Category (PACTC) page as a free form field that allows you to define categories, such as New Hire, Probation, Promotion, Demotion, Pay Change, Transfer, Leave of Absence, Termination, Reinstatement, etc. The values defined on the PACTC reference table can then be selected from a pick list on the Personnel Action (PACT) reference table to link the personnel action to a category.

Pre-Hire Action

If selected, indicates that the employee will have an onboarding assignment created. When checked, the fields ‘Hire Employment Status’ and ‘Hire Personnel Action’ will be displayed on PACT.

Probation Required

If selected, indicates the employee must serve a probationary period as a result of this action. If cleared, indicates that the employee is not required to serve a probationary period as a result of this action.

Rehire Action

If selected, the Rehire Action check box indicates that the personnel action is being used to rehire a former employee back into the organization. This indicator is used by the Benefits Enrollment Wizard to control the display of the New Hire Enrollment option to the employee when they enter the wizard to enroll into benefits. The display of the enrollment option is controlled based on the Employee Assignment's effective date of the personnel action.

Security Precedence 1-3

Use this field to order the security role precedence as related to the to the Security Role fields.

Security Role 1-3

Enter the security role(s) that should applied to users who fall under the personnel action code. Up to three security roles can be assigned per personnel action entry.

SSN Verification

The value in this field indicates whether Social Security Number verification is mandatory for the employee.

Trigger COBRA Review

If selected, a COBRA Review trigger should be created.

Trigger HIPAA Certificate

If selected, a HIPAA Certificate trigger should be created.


The code used to identify the type of performance expectation or evaluation to be generated/reviewed.  On the Title (TITL) page, this field should be populated if any other evaluation fields are populated.

User Access Option

This field determines whether an employee’s access is established, maintained, reset, or revoked through the automated submission of the HRDOC.

Valid values for this field are:

  • Not Applicable - An HRDOC is not automatically generated; this will mean that there is no change to the employee’s security setting.

  • Default User Access - An HRDOC is generated to set the user’s default access to the Advantage application.

  • Org Update - An HRDOC is generated to update the user’s organizational information on the Administration tables. No user access is modified.

  • Revoke - An HRDOC is generated to revoke the user’s access to all Advantage application(s).

  • Revoke and Lock Out - An HRDOC document is generated. The HRDOC locks the employee’s access to the Advantage application(s) by setting the Locked Out value to true (checked) and revokes the user’s access to all Advantage application(s).

  • Suspend - An HRDOC is generated to suspend a user’s current access to all Advantage application(s).

  • Restore Suspended - An HRDOC is generated to restore the user’s suspended access.

User Id Option

Enter 1 in the Text Value field to use the external Employee ID as the User ID.

Enter 2 to use the employee’s first and last name to create a User ID.

Enter 3 to use the last six numbers from the employee ID and concatenate it with the first ten letters of the first name of the employee to create a User ID.

User Id Unique Number Range

Determines the range of unique employee ID’s allowed. For example, if the range is set to 5 employees with the same name would be created as follows (johnsmith1, johnsmith2...

Valid Transaction 1-5

The identification code for the page that this personnel action code can be used on. One entry is required.

Workflow Manager 1-3

Check this field if the user should be set as a workflow manager for the corresponding workflow role.

Workflow Role 1-3

Enter the workflow role(s) that should be applied to users who fall under the personnel action code. Up to three workflow roles can be assigned per personnel action entry.