Personnel Action Request (PAR)
The Personnel Action Request (PAR) transaction allows you to define employees' Personnel action requests. The purpose of the PAR transaction is to streamline the Personnel Action Request process by initiating an online workflow approval process for personnel action requests. The transaction allows you to electronically enter these requests for approvals.
Each Personnel Action Request transaction contains a PAR Number and the personnel action requests that are associated with the PAR number. One PAR number can have several PAR detail lines associated with the same or many different positions and/or employees.
The Personnel Action Requests (PAR) has the following tabs:
Use this tab to enter personnel action request information. Enter the PAR Number, PAR Number Description, PAR Status and PAR Status Description.
Use this tab to enter the Personnel Action Request Details information. This tab allows you to enter the employee information, recruitment information, fund and accounting details for Personnel Action Request.
The Personnel Action Request transaction can be created in the following way:
Select the Create action on the Transaction Catalog.