Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing

The Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing Chain consists of two jobs that support Personnel Action Wizard Leave processing. A preliminary process called the Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing - Final Leave Accrual program verifies that an employee’s final leave accrual has been calculated and processed, if applicable, prior to the second program (Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing) executing the payout and reset actions. The second job will not run until the Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing - Final Leave Accrual job finishes successfully.

Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing - Final Leave Accrual has a required parameter field to identify Termination Personnel Action codes.  Multiple codes are allowed and can be entered in a comma separated list.  This job reads the Personnel Action Leave Triggers table for personnel action codes that are defined as Termination Personnel Actions in the job parameter.  When a personnel action code is found that matches an entry in the job parameter, then it gets the effective date of the personnel action and the related leave category code from the Personnel Action Leave Triggers table then looks up the employee’s last record from the Leave Summary table for the category.  If the Last Update field for the category has been updated with an effective date greater than or equal to the effective date of the personnel action trigger, then the process determines the final leave accrual for the category has been calculated and processed.

For a scenario where the process does not find a Leave Summary table update, it continues with a lookup to the Employee Appointment table and checks the Greatest Pay Period Ending Date field to verify that GTN has been run against the terminated employee and has at least calculated the employee for a leave accrual and determined that the employee was not eligible. If the “GRT PY PER END DT” date is greater than or equal to the effective date of the personnel action effective date, then the process confirms that the employee has at least been calculated for a final accrual, but was not eligible for an accrual in their last regular pay period.  

The Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing - Final Leave Accrual process then updates the Final Leave Accrual Indicator on the Personnel Action Leave Triggers table.  Once the indicator has been set to Yes, the Personnel Action Leave Processing program processes the trigger for leave payout or reset leave actions.

The second job, Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing, then processes the generated personnel action leave triggers generated by the Personnel Action Wizard according to the rules established on the PAWRLP table. This process has the flexibility to be run on demand for a specific employee and Session ID number. Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing defaults to select all eligible employee triggers unless the optional Employee ID parameter has been entered.  Only one Employee ID parameter entry is allowed per run.

The Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing job has an additional optional job parameter for Session ID that provides the ability to designate a specific system Session ID for the scenario where an employee has had triggers generated from more than one Personnel Action Wizard session. This process defaults to select all sessions unless the optional Session ID parameter has been entered. Only one Session ID parameter is allowed.

Once the Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing job sweeps the Personal Action Leave Triggers table for eligible triggers, it goes to the PAWRLP table to process the employee’s leave balances according to the configuration of the business rules on the table.  The program only processes triggers that have the Ready for Processing marked as Ready on the trigger table, which means that the ESMT transaction that generated the trigger from the Personnel Action Wizard has been submitted to a Final status. If the trigger has not been marked as “ready”, then the ESMT that has generated the trigger has not been submitted to final and the trigger is bypassed for processing.  

The Final Leave Accrual Indicator must also be set to Yes in order for the trigger to be processed as eligible. If the program finds a trigger that would otherwise be eligible for processing, but has the Final Leave Accrual Indicator still set to No, it writes the employee information and the affected leave category(ies) to the Leave Reset/Payout Exceptions report indicating that the Final Lave Accrual Indicator is still set to No.

If the leave balance action is a payout, then the program reads the PAWRLP table to determine whether or not eligibility checking is required. If so, then the program verifies the employee’s eligibility. If the employee is eligible and has exceeded the entered number of months, the program processes the leave payout according to the percentages entered and the maximum hours limit entered.

The Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing process then writes a record to the TADJ QUEUE table to generate a TADJ transaction for the leave payout. If the employee is not eligible, then the process writes a record to the AACC QUEUE table to generate an AACC transaction to reset the employee’s leave balance, if applicable according to the configuration of the Leave Reset Event field. If a leave accrual event code has not been entered, then no action takes place on the employee’s leave balance if an employee fails the eligibility check. The employee information and the affected leave category (ies) are written to the Leave Reset/Payout Exceptions report indicating that the employee was not eligible for a leave payout.

Finally, the Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing process compares the employee’s leave balance for the category with the Max Payout Hours field amount for the category. If the employee’s primary leave category balance is less than or equal to the Max Payout Hours amount field, then the full leave balance amount is written to the TADJ QUEUE table. If the employee’s leave balance exceeds the Max Payout Hours amount field, then the TADJ QUEUE record is written up to the limit and the remainder of the balance is written to the AACC QUEUE table using the Leave Reset Event, if entered. The employee information and the affected leave category(ies) are written to the Leave Reset/Payout Exceptions report indicating that the employee was not eligible for a full leave payout due to the Max Payout Hours limit.

The Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing Chain job consists of the following individual jobs:

  1. PA Wizard Leave Processing - Final Leave Accrual  

  2. Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing   

Please refer to the CGI Advantage On Request Processing Run Sheet Guide, available from the User Guide Downloads topic in the online help, for more detailed information on this chain job.