Personnel Action Wizard (PACTW)

Advantage HRM includes a process to automate employee personnel action changes and termination through the Personnel Action Wizard. The Personnel Action Wizard contains five pages, which can be used to create Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transactions, process employee deductions and benefits, and process leave payouts. The pages displayed in the wizard are controlled by the rules and inputs that are entered on the Personnel Action Wizard (PACTW) and the Personnel Action Wizard – Processing (PACTWP) pages.

The Personnel Action Wizard is comprised of the following components:

  • Personnel Action Wizard Rules for Employee Assignment (PAWREA) - Allows you to define by Personnel Action which fields on the Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transaction are to be displayed for population as well as how to input data on the wizard

  • Personnel Action Wizard Rules for Deductions and Benefits (PAWRDB) - Defines the rules to be used to expire specific deductions or benefits in Deduction Processing of Advantage HRM. Refer to the Setting Up Personnel Action Wizard Rules for Deductions and Benefits topic for more information.

  • Personnel Action Wizard Rules for Leave Processing (PAWRLP) - The Personnel Action Wizard Rules Leave Processing (PAWRLP) page allows you to configure leave termination processing rules for leave balances. This page allows you to define whether a leave balance should be paid out or reset to zero based on a personnel action or personnel action/reason combination for a valid Leave Policy and Leave Category combination. Refer to the Personnel Action Wizard Rules for Leave Balances topic for more information.

  • Personnel Action Trigger Management (PAWTG) - The Personnel Action Trigger Management (PAWTG) activity folder allows users to view and manage personnel action triggers that are generated in the system.

  • Personnel Action Wizard - Verify Processing (PACTWP)

  • Personnel Action Wizard - Employee Assignment (PAWEA)

  • Personnel Action Wizard - Maintenance Employee Assignment (PAWMEA)

  • Personnel Action Wizard - Employee Deductions/Benefits (PAWEDB)

  • Personnel Action Wizard - Employee Leave Balances (PAWELB)

  • Personnel Action Wizard - Final Processing (PAWFIN)

  • Personnel Action Wizard - WESMT Links (PAWLINK)

Navigation within the Wizard

The Personnel Action Wizard contains a set of processing buttons displayed at the top and the bottom of each of its five pages. The buttons function as follows:

  • Previous - The wizard saves all inputs and returns to the previous page.

  • Save - The wizard saves all inputs that have been entered.  When Save is selected, the wizard exits the current page and navigates to PACTW. The recently saved session is listed in the grid on PACTW. This grid lists all existing ‘incomplete’ sessions along with Session Numbers and Employee ID.

  • Continue - The wizard saves the entries on the current page and navigates to the next page.

  • Quit - The wizard exits from the current page and navigates to PACTW. On selecting Quit, whatever was entered in the wizard after the last “save point” is lost. The last “save point” is established based on what point the Back, Save or Continue button was pressed. You can resume the session by using a grid on the main Wizard page (PACTW) which lists all existing ‘incomplete’ sessions along with Session Numbers and Employee ID.  

At any time, you can Quit (if all inputs have not been saved) and begin the wizard again, a new Session Number will be assigned.

  • Finish - The wizard utilizes the data input on all pages to create ESMT transaction(s) by Appointment ID, Deductions/Benefits triggers by Appointment ID, and Leave Balances triggers by Appointment ID. ESMT transactions contain all data entered on the wizard, inferred from Personnel Edit Data List (PEDL), inferred from the current ESMT transaction for those fields that are left blank, or blanked out.