Personnel Action Wizard Setup
Personnel Action Wizard Site Specific Parameters
The following SPAR parameters impact the Personnel Action Wizard processing:
PACT WIZARD APPT PROCESSING - This parameter controls whether primary and secondary appointments can be processed via the Personnel Action Wizard independently. If the Yes/No Flag of this parameter is selected, the Terminate All Appointments check box on the wizard is enabled. If the Yes/No Flag of this parameter is cleared, the Terminate All Appointments check box is disabled.
EXPIRE EMPL LEVEL DEDS - If the Yes/No Flag is selected, all employee level deductions/benefits (which have an Appointment ID = “*”) are evaluated for expiration when the employee’s primary appointment is processed. If the Yes/No Flag is cleared, only deductions/benefits associated with a specific Appointment ID being processed are evaluated for termination.
Personnel Action Wizard Rules Setup
In addition to the SPAR setup, the following pages must be setup prior to using the Personnel Action Wizard
Personnel Action Rules for Employee Assignment (PAWREA) - Allows you to define by Personnel Action which fields on the ESMT transaction are to be displayed for population as well as how to input data on the wizard. Refer to Personnel Action Rules for Employee Assignment for more information.
Personnel Action Wizard Rules for Deductions and Benefits - Defines the rules (by Personnel Action) to be used to expire specific deductions or benefits for personnel action changes or termination in Advantage HRM. Refer to Setting Up Personnel Action Wizard Rules for Deductions and Benefits for more information.
Personnel Action Wizard Rules for Leave Processing (PAWRLP) - The Personnel Action Wizard Rules Leave Processing (PAWRLP) page allows you to configure leave termination processing rules for leave balances. This page allows you to define whether a leave balance should be paid out or reset to zero based on a personnel action or personnel action/reason combination for a valid Leave Policy and Leave Category combination. Refer to Personnel Action Wizard Rules for Leave Processing for more information.
Application Parameter (APPCTRL) - When the MULTI_STATE_TAX parameter is set to Y, State Tax Enrollment (TAXS) and Federal Tax Enrollment (TAXF) transactions can be updated from the Personnel Action Wizard (PACTW). When the MULTI_STATE_TAX parameter is set to N, then only the Employee Tax (TAX) transaction can be updated and not State Tax Enrollment (TAXS) and Federal Tax Enrollment (TAXF).