Step 7 - WESMT Links

The Personnel Action Wizard - WESMT Links (PAWLINK) page displays all WESMT transactions for the employee.

To finalize and submit the transactions for processing, perform the following:

  1. The WESMT transactions display in the following order:

  • Secondary appointment - employee assignment

  • Secondary appointment - maintenance employee assignment (if applicable)

  • Primary appointment - employee assignment

  • Primary appointment - maintenance employee assignment (if applicable)

  1. These transactions should be selected in the order displayed.  Click the Transaction ID to open the WESMT.

  2. After selecting the applicable WESMT and it opens, manually submit the transaction(s) if there are no changes required. The Pay Parameters of the WESMT are also displayed. All changes to Pay Parameters must be manually modified before the WESMT is finalized.

  3. This new transaction code (WESMT) must be defined as a valid transaction code on all Personnel Actions Codes that allow wizard processing.  WESMT transactions can only be created from the wizard.  They can be accessed and modified/submitted via the Transaction Catalog and Employee Transaction Catalog.

  4. A WESMT transaction can be discarded only before it is finalized.  Associate triggers can be deleted using the Personnel Action Wizard Trigger Management (PAWTG) activity folder.  A WESMT transaction cannot be discarded after it is finalized.

  5. Once all WESMT transactions are submitted successfully, select Done to return to the first page of the wizard (PACTW).  The session will be deleted.  

  6. If you cannot complete the wizard session, select Save.  This allows you to save the work and return later.  When the session is later continued, the wizard goes directly to PAWLINK and does not allow any of the other pages in the wizard to be viewed.

  7. If system encounters errors while creating WESMT transaction(s), and the ‘expected’ number of WESMT transactions has not been created, an error message instructing you to manually discard all the other WESMT transactions that got created for this wizard session is displayed.   In this case, quit the current session, delete it (from the wizard first page), and restart a new session.

Deductions/Benefits Triggers

Deductions/Benefits trigger records created by the wizard contain all data entered on the Deduction/Benefit Information section as well as the following fields:

  • Transaction Code - set to WESMT.

  • Transaction ID - the system-generated WESMT’s Transaction ID.

  • Transaction Department Code - the WESMT’s Transaction Department Code.

  • Trigger Date - set to the ESMT Effective Date on the PACTW page.

  • Processing Mode - set to the Processing Mode on PACTW page.

  • Ready for Processing - set to No.

  • Session Number - contains the number of this wizard session.

For Deductions/Benefits triggers, if a trigger already exists on the table and a second trigger is created, Advantage HRM compares the To date on both triggers, sets the To date of the existing trigger to the earlier of the two dates, and bypasses creating the second trigger.

Leave Balance Triggers

Leave Balances trigger records contain all data entered on the Leave Balances Information section as well as the following fields:

  • Transaction Code - set to WESMT.

  • Transaction ID - the system-generated WESMT’s Transaction ID.

  • Transaction Department Code - the WESMT’s Transaction Department Code.

  • Trigger Date - set to the ESMT Effective Date on the PACTW page.

  • Processing Mode - set to the Processing Mode on PACTW page.

  • Ready for Processing - set to No.

  • Session Number - contains the number of this wizard session.

  • Final Accrual flag - set to No.

Personnel Action Wizard Trigger Batch Processing

When the WESMT transactions are processed, the Ready for Processing flag on the triggers is set to Ready once the WESMT is finalized.   If the trigger’s Processing Mode is Immediate, schedule the Personnel Action Wizard Batch Job for Deductions/Benefits and/or Personnel Action Wizard Leave Processing batch jobs with the following parameters:

  • Employee ID = Employee ID of WESMT

  • Session Number = <blank>

  • Transaction Code = WESMT

  • Transaction ID = Transaction ID of WESMT

  • Transaction Department Code = Transaction Department Code of WESMT.  

Immediate Processing Mode

When scheduling the batch jobs automatically, the following occurs:

  • For the Deductions/Benefits job, it is scheduled only if Processing Mode is Immediate AND a deduction trigger exists.

  • For Leave Balances chain job, it is scheduled only if Processing Mode is Immediate AND a leave balance trigger exists.

Standard Processing Mode

When the Processing Mode is Standard, the jobs run as per pre-defined intervals/frequencies.

The Personnel Action Wizard Batch Job for Deductions and Leave Balances batch jobs uses the parameters to locate the relevant triggers. It only processes trigger that are set to Ready and only when the Trigger Date is before or equal to the system date.

Once all batch jobs are submitted successfully, all triggers are deleted.