Qualification Mapping
The Qualification Mapping (QUALM) page allows users to map qualification requirements for a Position Number or Sub-Title. Requirements related to Training, Competencies, Licenses, Certification, and Education can be defined. This information when configured can be used for succession planning, development plans, career paths and so on.
The Plan Basis field defines whether the Qualification Mapping is done for Position Number or Sub-Title/Title. Based on the Plan Basis, Position or Sub-Title/Title related information is required.
Field InformationField Information
Field Name |
Field Description |
Plan Basis |
This field is used to select the plan basis. It can be either Position or Sub-Title. |
Plan Description |
This defines the description for the Plan Basis. |
Department |
This field defines the associated department for the selected Position Number. This field is required only when Plan Basis is Position. |
Unit |
This defines the associated unit for the selected Position Number. This field is required only when Plan Basis is Position. |
Position Number |
This is the Position Number for which Qualification Mapping is created. The Position Number field is required when the Succession Plan Basis is set as Position. |
Title |
This defines the Title for which Qualification Mapping is created. The Title field is required when the Succession Plan Basis is set as Sub-Title. |
Sub-Title |
This defines the Sub-Title for which Qualification Mapping is created. The Sub-Title field is required when the Succession Plan Basis is set as Sub-Title. |
License/Certification Type |
This field defines the required Licenses and Certifications for a Position or a Sub-Title. |
Competency |
This field defines the required Competency. |
Competency Level |
This field defines the required Competency Level. |
Degree |
This field defines the required Degree. |
Major |
This field defines the required Majors. |
Training |
This field defines the required Trainings. |