Rating Scale

This page allows you to define valid scores that employees can receive from an evaluation for a specified performance type.

Field InformationField Information

The Rating Scale page contains the following fields:

Field Name

Field Description


The date this information becomes effective. This field should be entered in mm/dd/ccyy format.



The last date for which this information is effective. The default value for the operating system is 12/31/9999, which indicates the latest available date.

Rating Scale

This determines the rating scale that will be used in performance assessment.

Rating Level

This defines the different levels of the ratings. 2,3,4,5,10 are the different rating levels which can be defined.

As per the selection of the rating level, the Rating Scale Description section will display the data.

Display Stars

This determines if stars will be displayed for the Performance Assessment on the Evaluation Wizard. This option will get disabled if the Rating Level is 10.


This defines the code for ratings to be used for assessment.

Rating Description

This defines the description for the rating code used.

Rating Value

This defines the value associated to the rating code. This value will be used for calculating score.