Requesting Automated Employee Personnel Action
Requests for Automated Employee Personnel Actions include personnel actions such as termination of employee, job changes and employee transfers that are automated batch jobs. These batch jobs create the necessary Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transactions that update employee deductions and benefits, and / or employee tax filing parameters, and / or employee leave balances. This can be initiated through the Personnel Action Wizard.
To initiate a personnel action change or employee termination, access the Personnel Action Wizard (PACTW) page and perform the following steps:
In the common area of the page enter necessary information. Please refer to the field-level help for more information about each field.
Select the Processing Mode - Standard to make the batch job to run in as per pre-defined interval/frequency.
Select the Processing Mode - Immediate to make the batch job run immediately.
Select Enter Wizard.
The Open Previous Action Requests grid displays the existing incomplete wizard sessions. A pop-up window appears which displays the system-generated session number for this session.
Click Ok to continue. The Personnel Action Wizard Processing (PACTWP) page is displayed. The information displayed on this page is governed by the rules specified on the Personnel Action Wizard Rules for Employee Assignments (PAWREA) page. Enter the termination information for the employee if the action is for termination.
Click Continue to continue with the wizard process. The following pages are displayed in the order specified, based on the action requested. Enter the required information on the pages.
Select Finish on the Personnel Action Wizard Final Processing (PAWFIN) to complete the wizard and initiate processing. Select one of the following options:
Select Back to save the information and go to previous page.
Select Save to save the information and go to the PACTW page.
Select Continue to save the information and go to the next page in sequence.
Select Quit to exit the current session of the wizard and without saving the entered information.
Refer to Personnel Action Rules for Employee Assignment for more information.