Setting Up Personnel Action Extensions

Personnel Action Code Extensions (PACTX) allows administrators to kick off notifications whenever a specified Personnel Action is performed for an employee. The extension page allows notifications to be sent to the relevant employee or to a chosen user, employee, or external email address. Both employee and other notifications also feature a field that provides for emails to be sent:  when the transaction is submitted, on the day of the Personnel Action, or a chosen number of days before or after the event.

When transactions that feature a Personnel Action (or Department Action) are processed, the personnel extensions are processed as well. For each notification type on the extension, an Email Trigger is created. The date of the trigger is determined by the value in the Recipient Delay (for a user, employee, or external email address) or the Employee Delay (for the associated employee on the transaction). If the field is blank, the Email Trigger uses the current date (System Date) as the Maturity Date. If the field has a zero, then the email is scheduled for the date of the Personnel Action. If the value is a positive number, the email is scheduled a given number of days after the Personnel Action, and if the number is negative, the email is scheduled a given number of days before the Personnel Action.