Viewing Work Schedules
Initially, when the Work Schedule Query page is opened, a search window is provided that allows you to search for a particular work cycle. From the initial Work Schedule Query page, you can also select the Search by Position link or Search by Employee link at the bottom of the page to search for position or employee work schedules. These links open a different view of the Work Schedule Query page for either positions or employees. From each of these pages, a Search by Work Schedule link is provided if you want to view queries by work cycle. After searching, the grid at the top of the page displays the records that meet the search criteria. Below the grid, a calendar displays the schedule information for the selected work cycle, position, or employee. A scalar section displays the detailed information below the calendar, such as shift times, pay event types, comments, and other schedule information. Select an option below for more detailed instructions for viewing work schedules.
Work Schedules by Work Cycle
To view work schedule information for Work Cycles, open the Work Schedule Queries page and perform the following steps:
Use the Search pop-up window to enter the search criteria for the work cycle(s) for which you would like to view schedule information. Enter a Selection Date. Result: The grid is updated to display the work cycles that match the search criteria entered.
Select a Work Cycle from the grid. Result: The calendar below the grid is refreshed with the schedule information for the selected work cycle for the month of the Selection Date. The calendar displays the Schedule Type and Hours for each day of the month. If the Work Day table has not been populated for the selected work cycle, the Schedule Type defaults to Work Day, but no hours will be displayed.
Select the hyperlink representing the date from the calendar. The detailed schedule information for the selected day displays in the scalar section below the grid.
Work Schedules by Employee
To view work schedule information for Employees, open the Work Schedule Queries page and perform the following steps:
When the Search pop-up window is displayed, select Cancel.
Select the Search by Employees link at the bottom of the Work Schedule page. Result: An search pop-up window is opened, allowing you to enter employee specific search criteria. Enter the desired search criteria and a Selection Date. Result: The grid is updated to display the employees that match the search criteria entered.
Select an employee from the grid. Result: The calendar below the grid is refreshed with the schedule information for the selected employee for the month of the Selection Date. Schedule Information is retrieved for the employee for each day of the selection month using the following hierarchy:
Employee Work Schedule - if an Employee Work Schedule (ESCHD) transaction was submitted for the employee, this information is retrieved first.
Position Work Schedule - if a Position Work Schedule (PSCHD) transaction was submitted for the employee's position, and no Employee Work Schedule information is found, the position schedule information is retrieved.
Work Cycle for the employee assignment - if no ESCHD or PSCHD data is found for the employee, and the employee is assigned to a Work Cycle via a Department Specific Data (DEPTD) transaction, the schedule information is retrieved from the Work Day table for that Work Cycle.
Work Cycle for the employee's Pay Class - if no Employee Work Schedule or Position Work Schedule data is found, and the employee does not a have Work Cycle associated with their employee assignment, the Work Schedule query looks for a Calendar Work Cycle assigned for the employee's Pay Class (If the Yes/No Flag of the GET WORK Cycle FROM PYCL entry on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page is selected). Schedule information is then retrieved from the Work Day table for this Work Cycle. If the Work Day table has not been populated for the selected work cycle, the Schedule Type defaults to Work Day, but no hours will be displayed.
Select the hyperlink representing the date from the calendar. The detailed schedule information for the selected day displays in the scalar section below the grid. This includes any assigned Work Schedule Tasks (WTSK) for the employee. Note: The Work Schedule Task field only displays for employee work schedule queries, not for work cycles or positions, as this is employee specific information.
Work Schedules by Position
To view work schedule information for Positions, open the Work Schedule Queries page and perform the following steps:
When the Search pop-up window is displayed, select Cancel.
Select the Search by Positions link at the bottom of the Work Schedule page. Result: A search pop-up window is opened, allowing you to enter position specific search criteria. Enter the desired search criteria and a Selection Date. Result: The grid is updated to display the positions that match the search criteria entered, and that have Position Work Schedule data. If no Position Work Schedule information is found for a position, the position will not be displayed in the grid.
Select a position from the grid. Result: The calendar below the grid is refreshed with the schedule information for the selected positions for the month of the Selection Date. Schedule Information is retrieved from the Position Work Schedule table for the position for each day of the selection month.
Select the hyperlink representing the date from the calendar. The detailed schedule information for the selected day displays in the scalar section below the grid.
Note: The format of the time depends on how the Timesheet Clock Time Display parameter on Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) is defined. If the Text Value is NORMAL, then AM/PM format is used. If the Text Value is MILITARY, then military format is used.