Advanced - Batch Processing

The Position Control area includes several batch jobs. Refer to the appropriate sections below for a list of all batch and report jobs. For detailed information on the jobs (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters), refer to the appropriate Advantage HRM Run Sheets Guide available on the User Guide Downloads page. The run sheet is located in the guide corresponding with the Batch Catalog Section listed for the job.

Report Name


Batch Catalog Section

Position Authorization Update

The Position Authorization Update batch job provides the ability to check for inconsistencies in position FTE/Incumbent counts.

The batch job selects the employee records that are valid during the entered Fiscal Year (or current Fiscal Year if left blank), filtered by the entered home department (if any). It then uses the Employee Assignment records to calculate the correct total FTE, Incumbent, and Future Trigger values for each position. Then it selects the POSN_AUTH records for those positions and compares the current values to the calculated values to determine if each position needs to be updated.


Position Control Trigger Processor (HK00100D)

Position Control Trigger Processor executes the program HKB2000 which processes the position control triggers and updates the database. Incumbent and FTE counts on the Position Authorization table are either increased or decreased. In addition, successfully processed triggers are deleted.

Nightly Processing

Position Control Fiscal Year Rollover (HK00100R)

Position Control Fiscal Year Rollover performs a fiscal year rollover for the Position Control Subsystem. Position Control Fiscal Year Rollover sets up the files required to run the HKB3000 program and then executes the program. HKB3000 rolls over current entries in the Position Authorization table to the next fiscal year. It also updates the Text Value of the POSITION ROLLOVER FISCAL YEAR parameter on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page with the fiscal year of the rollover that occurred. If no text is present in the Text Value field when Position Control Fiscal Year Rollover is run, you must manually enter the fiscal year that was rolled over by the job.

The positions established by the position record in Advantage HRM are fiscal year driven and re-authorized annually for the next fiscal year by the Position Control Fiscal Year Rollover job which creates PAMT records for the next fiscal year.


Execute Ad Hoc Reports for Position Control (HKARPTS)

This job executes each ad hoc report for Position Control in Advantage HRM. The Execute Ad Hoc Reports for Position Control batch job will create the Employee By Position (HKR3000) Report, which lists all employees filling positions within a Department and Unit, if applicable. This report is useful for tracking positions within a particular Department and Unit combination.



Position Maintenance Mass Change Process

The purpose of the Position Maintenance Mass Change Process is to automate the generation of PSMT, PAMT, and ESMT transactions while changing position attributes, creating new positions or reorganizing positions within department/unit combinations. The Position Maintenance Mass Change job processes the PMAS records that are created by the Position Control Mass Change wizard (PMASW) and generates PSMTs, ESMTs and PAMTs for new positions, updated employee records, and updated position records. This job also generates a summary report of all employee records updated which indicates employee data that did not match the submitted PSMT update and was overridden (for example, Employee data had overrides such as Title and did not match the original PSMT data that was changed).


Position Usage Calculation Finalization

The Position Usage Calculation Finalization batch job retrieves values from the POSNUSESUMMCALC table generated by the Position Usage Calculation YTD batch job. It  uses the retrieved details to update totals for the Budget Used YTD and Units Used YTD fields on the Position Authorization (POSN_AUTH) table. After running the job, a user can view updated totals for the amount of budget salary and time used year to date for specific positions and position groups. Users can compare the total YTD usages against the Authorized Budget and Authorized Units fields to understand the amount of budget left for a position or position group for the fiscal year.


Position Usage Calculation YTD

The Position Usage Calculation YTD batch job retrieves pay details from a specific Gross-to-Net (GTN) run, or a specific Fiscal Year, to calculate and update budgeted salary and units of time information for positions in a given fiscal year.
