Inferring Attributes from Sub-Title
Advantage HRM provides the ability to automatically infer values from the Sub-Title (STTL) page to the Position Status Maintenance (PSMT) transaction and/or the Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transaction.
Position Control SitesPosition Control Sites
To infer Position attributes from Sub-Title, the Yes/No Flag of the POSITION CONTROL SITE parameter on the Site Specific Parameters (SPAR) page must be checked. If this parameter is not checked, fields cannot be inferred from Sub-Title to the related transaction, even if the fields are populated on Sub-Title.
When the Short Description, Union Local, Civil Service Status, Pay Class, and Payroll Number fields are populated on Sub-Title, and the POSITION CONTROL SITE parameter is checked, these values are inferred onto the Position Maintenance transaction upon a Save, Validate, or Submit action using the Title and Sub-Title fields from Position Maintenance.
If a Position Maintenance transaction is created or modified, and the Short Description, Union Local, Civil Service Status, Pay Class, and Payroll Number fields on the transaction are manually populated, the values that are manually entered are retained and not replaced with the values on Sub-Title.
If the Short Description, Union Local, Civil Service Status, Pay Class, and Payroll Number fields are left blank and these fields are not populated on the Sub-Title page, an error message is issued for the Short Description, Pay Class and Payroll Number fields indicating that they are required fields. The Union Local and Civil Service Status fields are optional fields.
Non-Position Control SitesNon-Position Control Sites
For sites that do not use Position Control (Yes/No Flag for the POSITION CONTROL SITE parameter on Site Specific Parameters page is not checked), Pay Class, Union Local and Percent Full-time values can be inferred from the Sub-Title entry onto the Employee Status Maintenance transaction by selecting the Infer From Sub-Title related action.
Inference of these fields only occurs when the Title, Sub-Title, and From Date are all populated for the employee and when the Pay Class, Percent Full-time, and Union Local fields are blank. If any of the Pay Class, Percent Full-time, or Union Local fields are populated, then no inference occurs for that specific field. Based on the Sub-Title entered, the appropriate values are inferred and populated onto the Employee Status Maintenance transaction.
Manual override of these fields can be restricted by the Allow FTE% Override, Allow Union Local Override, and Allow Pay Class Override fields on Sub-Title. You can check these boxes to allow the Percent Full-time, Union Local, and Pay Class inferred fields to be manually overwritten on the Employee Status Maintenance transaction. If unchecked, you will not be able to override these inferred fields on the transaction. When employee override is disallowed, you are required to enter Percent Full-time and Pay Class values on the Sub-Title page. The Union Local field is not allowed if the Union Member field is set to Not Represented on the Employee Status Maintenance transaction.