Inquiries and Activity Folders

This section includes all of the inquiries and activity folders used in the Position Control area. For more information on each inquiry, click the appropriate link in the Page Code column.

Inquiry Name

Page Code


Position Authorization Inquiry


Provides fiscal year totals for authorized, filled, pending, future, and vacant positions.

Position By Title


Allows you to display current position data within an agency and organization sorted by title.

Position Control


Makes it easy for you to enter and maintain position authorizations by gathering all of the necessary pages together into one place.

Position Control Mass Change Query


Provides the ability to search on previously created position control mass change requests.

Position Management


Makes it easy for you to enter and revise position-related information by gathering all of the necessary pages together into one place.

Position Roster


Provides a detailed history of past and current incumbents for all employees for a specified position.

Position Trigger Inquiry


Allows you to inquire about position triggers.