Listing All Positions by Title

To view a list of all positions that have a particular title, retrieve the Position by Title Inquiry (QPTL) page. This inquiry also allows you to limit the records displayed to the following positions:

  • Positions that currently either allow or prevent appointment

  • Positions that currently either allow or prevent recruitment

  • Vacant positions and vacant FTEs within a position

  • Overfilled positions and FTEs within a position

  • Encumbered positions and FTEs

  • Positions that exist as of the selection date

You can also limit the positions displayed by combining the selections listed above. When the Position by Title Inquiry (QPTL) page is opened, the Search dialog box is displayed. You can use this dialog box to limit your search by entering any of these search parameters.

  • Title

  • Department  

  • Unit

  • Selection Date

  • Authorized Incumbents

  • Authorized FTE

  • Appointment Allowed

  • Recruitment Allowed

Select OK after you have entered the search parameters.