Modifying a Position Authorization
To make changes to an authorization that has been applied to a position from the Position Control (PCNTL) activity folder, you must first open the Position Authorization Maintenance (PAMT) page.
Note: The Search dialog box is displayed when the Position Control (PCNTL) activity folder is opened. You can use this box to enter search parameters and click OK to return the search results.
Access the Position Control (PCNTL) activity folder.
Select the desired Fiscal Year, Department, or Unit.
Click OK. Detailed Fiscal Information pertaining to the selected fiscal year is displayed.
Click the Position Authorization Maintenance link in the secondary navigation panel.
Click the position you want to modify in the grid at the top of the page.
Click the Modify Position Authorization Maintenance link at the bottom of the page to display the Position Authorization Maintenance (PAMT) page.
From the grid at the top of the page, click the line representing the position for which you are changing the authorization.
Complete the General Information section. If necessary, update existing data by overwriting the contents of the field. Select the position number you wish to authorize in the Position Number field pick list. The Position Number Desc field is automatically populated.
Complete the FTE vs Incumbent Information section. This section is used to enter the FTE vs Incumbent Information. All of the fields in this section are optional.
Complete the Comments section. If necessary, update existing data by overwriting the contents of the field. This section is used to enter optional comments.
To update additional lines, repeat steps 7 through 10.
Select Validate to make certain that your entries are correct.
Select Submit to record the changes in the system.
Select Close to exit the Position Authorization Maintenance (PAMT) page and return to the main page of the Position Control (PCNTL) activity folder.