Modifying a Position Distribution Profile
The Position Distribution Profile Maintenance (PDPR) transaction allows you to remove old positions and/or add new positions to an existing PDPR. For example, when an employee is in a split position and changes to new positions, the PDPR transaction can be modified by deleting the old positions and adding the new positions.
To access the Position Distribution Profile Maintenance (PDPR) page and modify position distribution data from the Payroll Management (PAYM) activity folder, perform these steps:
Select the appropriate employee from the grid appearing atop the header page of the Payroll Management (PAYM) activity folder. Result: Details pertaining to the selected employee are displayed in the fields on the lower portion of the page.
Select Position Distribution Profile Maintenance from the secondary navigation panel. Result: The page now features these links to the Position Distribution Profile Maintenance (PDPR) page:
Create Position Distribution Profile Maintenance
Modify Position Distribution Profile Maintenance
Select the Modify Position Distribution Profile Maintenance link. Result: The header area of the Position Distribution Profile Maintenance (PDPR) page is displayed.
Select Position Distribution Profile Maintenance Detail from the secondary navigation panel. Result: The General Information, Fund Accounting, and Detail Accounting areas, and a grid listing previously recorded lines of position distribution data are displayed. Also, the secondary navigation panel is updated to enable you to move about the page.
Select the line representing the data that you want to update/remove from the grid. Result: Details pertaining to the selected line are displayed in the fields on the lower portion of the page.
To remove a position, select the Delete option.
To add a new position, select Insert New Line, and enter the information pertaining to the new position.
Complete the General Information section. Please refer to the field-level help for more information about each field. Note: “_*_” denotes a required field.
Use this section to enter the General Information regarding each position, including the Department and Position Number. For each line entered on the page, the Department, Unit, and Position Number must be unique. This indicates that the same position is not listed twice. Valid values for the Labor Distribution Override Option are Use Entered Accounting Values, User Entered Labor Distribution Profile, and Use Position Accounting Values.
Note: Split position processing is only allowed when the Split Position check box on ESMT is selected. This indicates that the current assignment is using a split position. In addition, the sum of the Percent Full-time must be equal to the Percent Full-time defined on the employee's assignment (ESMT).
Complete the Fund Accounting section.
Complete the Detail Accounting section.
To modify additional position distribution lines, repeat steps 5 through 8.
Once all lines have been deleted/added/modified as needed, verify that the total Percent Full-time for all positions in the transaction is equal tp the Percent Full-time on the employee's ESMT. For example, if the Percent Full-time on ESMT is 1.0, then the total Percent Full-time for all positions must also be 1.0. If a position was added or deleted, or the Percent Full-time for that positions was modified, the Percent Full-time for the other positions defined must be adjusted so that the total stays in sync with the Percent Full-time on ESMT.
Select Validate to make certain that your modifications are correct.
Select Submit to save your entries.
Select Close to exit the Position Distribution Profile Maintenance (PDPR) page and return to the Payroll Management (PAYM) activity folder.