Monitoring Positions
Advantage HRM allows you to monitor positions by providing a number of inquiries and reports that list positions based on a variety of search criteria. The inquiries and reports listed below are available.
Employee by Position (HKA3000) report displays the totals of all the active employees and FTEs.
Position Authorization Inquiry (QPAT) displays totals of authorizations by fiscal year, department, and unit.
Position Management (POSM) lists for a given position the accounting information, employees who occupy a certain position, and incumbent vs. FTE information.
Position Roster (QPSR) lists employees who occupy a certain position.
Position by Title Inquiry (QPTL) lists current position information sorted by title which can also be set to display only vacant, overfilled, filled, active, or frozen positions, or any combination of those characteristics. Refer to Listing All Positions by Title for more information.