Position Control Overview

The Position Control area of CGI Advantage HRM supports the duties and decisions necessary for staff planning, human resource budgetary control, position monitoring, and position analysis. The system maintains position status, position history, and job groups or titles, and it provides actual costs by position.

The Position Control business area includes:

  • Allows administrators to create new positions and manage existing positions.

  • Allows administrators to manage Position Authorizations.

    • Position Authorizations are created for the purpose of keeping track of how many people can be assigned to a position (Authorized Incumbents/FTEs) and how many people actually occupy that position (Filled Incumbents/FTEs).

    • Position Authorizations can be assigned to individual positions or position groups.

  • Supports staff planning, human resource budgeting, and position monitoring and analysis.

  • Helps organizations to create and track positions in accordance with authorized appropriations.

  • Controls salary expenses.

  • Manages position requests via workflow.

  • Controls number of hires and overfill allowance.

  • Allows one position for many employees, one position for one employee, or one employee to multiple positions.

  • Establishes default accounting at the position level.

  • Job characteristics defined at the position level are inherited by the employee, or can be overridden at the employee level.