Position Edit Rules (POEDT)
The Position Edit Rules (POEDT) page allows you to specify additional edits for a particular position action and position action reason combination on the Position Maintenance (PSMT) transaction. Enter a position action on this page only if the edits on the action should be different than the baseline edits.
These edits are grouped in the following sections:
Requirement Edits: allows you to define whether the listed fields are required, optional, or not allowed, enforcing what fields must be populated on the Position Maintenance transaction for a specified position action and position action reason.
Consistency Edits: allows you to require that the new value entered has to be the same as the previous effective value, different than the previous effective value, or should be determined by the baseline edits.
In List: allows you to specify which fields require validation against the list of valid values entered on the Position Edit Data List (POEDL) page. Note: If an In List value is defined, the value must be set up on Position Edit Data List (POEDL) first.
These validation edits are in addition to edits set up on other reference tables and do not override those edits.
Wildcards may be entered for the Position Action Reason.