System-Wide Setup
The following reference tables are system-wide tables used to set up position control events and policies:
Complete the Title (TITL) page to define and identify the title of the employee’s job.
Complete the Sub-Title (STTL) page to identify the set of pay, leave, and deduction policies, the FLSA profile, the Client Compensation profile, and pension system parameters that govern employees in a particular title.
Complete the Civil Service Status (CIVS) page to define the codes that identify employees’ statuses associated with civil service processes and procedures, such as permanent and provisional.
Complete the Union Local (ULOC) page to define the codes that identify unions to which employees belong.
Complete the Pay Class (PYCL) page to define the grouping for employees whose pay is calculated in an identical manner.
Complete the Payroll Number (PYNO) page to define the payroll numbers used to group employees for whom pay is generated at the same time.