Applicant Address Maintenance
The Applicant Address Maintenance (AADD) transaction allows you to record and view changes in the applicant's home and mailing address information. It is also used to track changes in the applicant’s phone number and e-mail address.
This transaction has the following tabs:
Applicant Address DetailsApplicant Address Details
This tab allows you to enter the following details:
General information of an applicant's address details. Enter Applicant ID, Residency Code, From date, To date and other relevant information.
Home address details of an applicant. Enter Street 1, City, State, Country, County, Zip/Postal Code, Country and other relevant information.
Mail address details of an applicant. Enter Street 1, City, State, Country, County, Zip/Postal Code and other relevant information.
Contact information of an applicant address. Enter Contact Name Prefix, Contact First Name, Contact Middle Name, Contact Last Name, E-Mail, Home Phone, Work Phone, Mobile Phone, Fax and other relevant information.