Applicant Attribute Maintenance

The Applicant Attribute Maintenance (AATT) transaction allows you to record and view basic personal applicant information such as education at the time of application, veteran status and military service.

The Applicant Attribute Maintenance transaction has the following tab:

Applicant Attributes Maintenance Applicant Attributes Maintenance

This tab allows you to enter the following details:

  • Personal information of Applicant Attribute maintenance details. Enter Social Security Number, Citizenship Status, Gender, Race/Ethnicity and other optional information.

  • Education information of Applicant Attribute maintenance details. Enter Verify Degree, Degree, Major, School, Year Completed and other relevant information.

  • Veteran information of Applicant Attribute maintenance details. Enter Veteran Status, Reserve Branch, Discharge, Pref Credit Use Date, Retro Seniority Date, Discharge Date, Service Branch, Highest Rank and other relevant information.

  • User defined fields of Applicant Attribute maintenance details. Enter User Flag and User Code information.