Applicant References
The Applicant References (AREF) transaction maintains data on references for each applicant. References are identified by their first and last names, and such information as their title, employer, address, city/state/country, zip code, and phone numbers can be maintained. In addition, the date that the reference check letter was sent, and the date a response was received can be maintained, as well as comments.
The Applicant Evaluation (APEV) transaction is comprised of the following tabs:
Applicant ReferencesApplicant References
This tab allows you to enter the general information of the applicant. Enter the Applicant ID and Name.
Applicant References DetailApplicant References Detail
The Applicant References Detail tab allows you to enter following sections:
Use this sub tab to enter the general information for the applicant's reference.
The General Information section allows you to enter general information for the applicant's reference.
The Reference Information section allows you to enter the detailed information for the applicant's reference. Enter Company Name, Contact First Name, Contact Last Name, E-mail, Work Phone, Mobile Phone and other relevant informations.
The Employer Address section allows you to enter the employer address information for the applicant's reference.
The Comment section allows you to enter comments regarding the applicant's reference.