Employee Action and Task
The Employee Action and Task (EACT) reference page allows you to define the rules on when a User Task is automatically assigned, in which Task Category it will be assigned, whom it will be assigned to, and when it will be due.
Relate Employee Action and Task section
Type of Action: Use the ‘Type of Action’ field to define rules automatically assigning User Tasks based on either Personnel Actions or specific Manage Employee Information changes.
When you select a ‘Type of Action’ of Personnel Action, a Personnel Action picklist is displayed, and an automatic User Task assignment can be created when the specified Personnel Action is processed on an Employment Status Maintenance (ESMT), New Employee (NEMP), or Department Specific Data (DEPTD) transaction.
When you select a ‘Type of Action’ of Manage Employee Information Change, a Manage Employee Information Change CVL is displayed, and an automatic User Task assignment can be created when the selected change is made on one of the following transactions:
Beneficiary Designation (BDES)
Dependent Profile (DPND)
Employee Address (ADDR)
Employee Attributes (ATTR)
Employee Education History (EEDH)
Employee Emergency Contact (EMER)
Employee Tax Parameters (TAX)
User Task: Select User Task which will be automatically assigned when the selected Type of Action occurs.
From Date and To Date: Enter the timeline maintained dates of the Employee Action and Task record.
Task Category: Select a Task Category to further group the assigned User Tasks.
Override Task Name: If this specific Task assignment should have a different Name than defined on the User Task record, enter the value here.
Assignee: Select whom the automatically assigned User Task will be assigned to:
Assigned Employee ID: Select this value to assign the User Task to a specific person. Enter a specific Employee ID in the dynamically displayed Assignee Employee ID field.
Employee: Select this value to assign the User Task to the Employee ID for whom the originating transaction is submitted.
Manager: Select this value to assign the User Task to the Supervisor of the Employee ID for whom the originating transaction is submitted.
Submitter: Select this value to assign the User Task to the Employee ID who submits the originating transaction.
Unassigned: Select this value to leave the User Task unassigned.
Rules and Conditions section
Due Date Rule: The date the assigned User Task is due can be based on either the Assignment Date (From Date) of the transaction related to the assigned User Task, or on the actual calendar date the transaction related to the assigned User Task is submitted.
Days to Complete the Task: This value defines the number of days after the Due Date Rule date that the assigned User Task will be due.
Task Condition: These check boxes define if the assigned User Task is required to be completed by the Assignee, and if the assigned User Task can be deleted by the Assignee.
Alert Details: When this checkbox is selected, an Alert will be created for the assigned User Task and sent to the Assignee.
The dynamically displayed Message field is populated with a default Alert message, which can be overwritten as needed.
The Days After Due Date to Alert defines when the Alert will be created after the Due Date.
When the Send Email checkbox is selected, an email will be sent to the Assignee in addition to the Alert being created.
Employee Action Location section
Each of the fields listed here provides further criteria in when the User Task is automatically assigned. When any of these fields is populated, the Task assignment will occur only if the Employee ID being processed has that characteristic. When any of these fields are blank, the Task assignment will occur for all values of that attribute.
Transaction Creation
Each of the fields listed here defines the transaction header information for the transaction related to the assigned User Task. The ‘Transaction Action’ CVL allows you to define how the transaction related to the assigned User Task is created - either when the User Task is assigned, when it is opened, or you can choose to create and submit the related transaction upon assignment.