Hiring an Applicant

To access the Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) transaction and hire an applicant from the Recruitment (RECR) or Job Management (JOBM) activity folder:

  1. View the appropriate applicant from the search results grid.

  2. Select the Job Application tab.

  3. Select the line representing the Applicant ID for which you are hiring from the grid.

  4. Select the Create Employee Status Maintenance action from the line level 3-dot menu.

  5. In each area, enter the required information. Note: " * " denotes a required field.

Note: If the Clear Position Overrides Related Action is selected from the page level 3-dot menu, the values contained in the following fields are cleared; Pay Policy, Leave Policy, Benefits Policy, Grade, FLSA Profile, CCOMP Profile, FLSA Exempt Flag and CCOMP Exempt Flag.

  1. Select Validate to make certain that your entries are correct.

  2. Select Submit to record your entries in the system.

  3. Select Close to exit the Employee Status Maintenance (ESMT) page.