User Task
The User Task (UTSK) reference page allows you to define an item to be completed, by an Assignee defined on the Employee Action and Task page or on the Task Assignment page.
The Name field defines how the User Task will present to the Assignee. The Destination Type field determines if the User Task is related to a standard Advantage transaction, or to a configurable template.
When you select a Destination Type of ‘Advantage Task’, the Destination picklist field is displayed. Using this picklist, you can relate the User Task to an HRM transaction or to the Benefit Enrollment Wizard.
An Employee Assigned Asset Information section is displayed when a Destination of ‘Employee Assigned Asset Information’ is selected, allowing you to specify formatting of the transaction based on the type of information you are asking for.
When a User Task with this Destination is assigned, the related transaction will be conditionally formatted based on the information entered in the Employee Assigned Asset Information section.
The Asset Type field is required, and the value defined here will be pre-populated on the transaction detail line when the assigned User Task is opened.
When the ‘Display Asset Effective Dates’ check box is selected, From Date and To Date field will be displayed on the transaction detail line when the assigned User Task is opened. When this check box is not selected, the From Date and To Date fields on the related transaction not be displayed to the user, the From Date will default to the current date, and the To Date will default to a value of 12/31/9999.
The Asset Number, PCard ID, Fixed Asset, and Comment check boxes define if those fields will be displayed or hidden on the transaction detail line when the assigned User Task is opened. When any of these check boxes is selected, the related field will be displayed on the transaction, and the related field label can be defined on the User Task page within the dynamically displayed ‘Label for’ field.
When you select a Destination Type of ‘Non Advantage Task’, the Build Form section is displayed allowing you to define the form template. This template is related to the Configurable Task (OBRD) transaction.
Selecting the ‘Text above the form’ check box allows you to define a free form text field, using a rich text editor, that appears on the top of the assigned User Task.
Selecting ‘the Uploads ’check box allows you to define information you are asking the Assignee to provide as they complete the User Task (for example, asking the Assignee to attach a PDF of a completed form).
Selecting the ‘Downloads’ allows you to attach information you are providing to the Assignee (for example, directing the Assignee to a hyperlink to watch a video, or presenting the Assignee with a PDF of the organization handbook).
Selecting ‘the Text below the form’ check box allows you to define a free form text field, using a rich text editor, that appears on the bottom of the assigned User Task.
Selecting the ‘Confirmation check box’ allows you to provide a check box, and related text, to the Assignee asking them to verify they have completed the task.
The Preview Form button provides a quick, read-only view of how the configured form will appear to the Assignee.