Advanced - Batch Processing

The Retirement Processing area includes the following batch jobs. For detailed information on the jobs (such as when to run, input, output, and process parameters), refer to the CGI Advantage HRM run sheet guides available on the "User Guide Downloads" topic.

Job Name


STRS/PERS Extract Program

The STRS/PERS Extract Program has the ability to track retirement contribution activity for the purpose of meeting state reporting requirements. The Retirement Extract process populates the Retirement Contribution Detail (RET_CNTRB_DETL) table with deduction information produced in the payroll run. This table tracks retirement contribution details that can be used by clients to generate interface files and reports for the State Teachers’ Retirement System (STRS) and their Public Employee’s Retirement System (PERS). The extract job loads the deduction details that are flagged as pension contributions into the Retirement Contribution Detail table. Once the details have been loaded into the table through the extract process, the Retirement Contribution Adjustment transaction can be used to modify or delete existing records as well as add new records.

Auto Change

The Auto Change batch job is used to terminate and/or enroll an employee in deductions based on a trigger generated by either the ESMT transaction process or by the PENS transaction process. The Auto Change batch job reads the Auto Benefit Change reference page and the Auto Retirement Change reference page to determine which deductions should be expired and/or enrolled.