Pension System Alternative Codes

The Pension System Alternative Codes (PNAC) page allows for override Assign Codes and Retirement Pay Codes to be specified for a pay event by Pension System and Pension Tier. This page can be used if an alternate value needs to be supplied that is different from the default values set on the Pension System (PNST) page or Deduction Plan (DPLN) page.

  • Alternate Code Type - Valid values are Assign Code or Retirement Pay Code.   

  • Pension System Code - Valid values are defined on the Pension System (PNST) page.

  • Pension Tier Code for the Pension System entered - Valid values are defined on the Pension System (PNST) page.

  • Pay Event - The Pay Event for which the Alternative code is being established. Valid values are defined on the Pay and Leave Events (EVNT) page.

  • Assign Code - This field specifies the override Assign Code. If the Alternate Code Type is Assign Code, and the Pension System Code and Pension Tier Code are associated with a "STRS Non-Member" or "STRS Member" Retirement System, enter the Assign Code to be used for the specified event. If the Retirement Pay Code Source field on PNST for the Pension System / Pension Tier entered is set to Use PNAC Path, the Assign Code entered here is used for STRS processing. If the Alternate Code Type is Retirement Pay Code, this field must be blank.

  • Retirement Pay Code - If the Alternate Code Type is Retirement Pay Code, enter the Retirement Pay Code to be used for the specified event. If the Retirement Pay Code Source field on PNST for the Pension System / Pension Tier entered is set to Use PNAC Path, the Retirement Pay Code entered here is used in calculating the Retirement Pay Rate for this event. If the Alternate Code Type is Assign Code, this field must be blank. Valid values for Retirement Pay Code are:

  • For a Retirement System, valid values for this field are 01 (Monthly), 04 (Hourly), and 08 (Daily).

  • For a Retirement System of STRS Member and STRS Non-Member, the valid values for this field are 0 (Annual), 1 (12 Month Contract), 2 (11 Month Contract), 3 (10 Month Contract), 4 (Hourly), and 8 (Daily). Note: These values are 1 digit codes.

Note: Either or both the Assign Code and Retirement Contribution Code must be populated if the Alternate Code type is set to Assign Code, and the Pension System and Pension Tier are associated with a "STRS Non-Member" or "STRS Member" Retirement System.

  • Retirement Contribution Code - This field specifies an override Retirement Contribution Code for STRS Members and STRS Non-Members. This field can only be populated if the Alternate Code type is set to Assign Code, and the Pension System and Pension Tier are associated with a "STRS Non-Member" or "STRS Member" Retirement System.

  • Threshold Retirement Processing - This check box indicates if an amount threshold test should be applied to the Pay Event during payroll processing. When it is checked, the Contract Pay Amount for the Pay Event is compared to the amount in the Site Specific Parameter (SPAR) entry STRS THRESHOLD AMT. When the Pay Event Amount is over the threshold amount the Retirement Pay Code in the Above Threshold Retirement Pay Code field is used. This check box can only be selected when:

  • The Alternate Code type is set to Retirement Pay Code, and the Pension System and Pension Tier are associated with a "STRS Non-Member" or "STRS Member" Retirement System.

  • The Retirement Pay Code Source field on the Pension System (PNST) page for the Pension System and Pension Tier is set to Use PNAC Path.

  • In addition, if this check box is selected, the Above Threshold Retirement Pay Code field and the Retirement Pay Code field must also be populated.

  • Above Threshold Retirement Pay Code - This field indicates the Retirement Pay Code to be used when the Contract Pay Amount for the Pay Event is above the amount on the Site Specific Parameter (SPAR) entry STRS THRESHOLD AMT. This field can only be populated when the following are true:

  • The Alternate Code type is set to Retirement Pay Code, and the Pension System and Pension Tier are associated with a "STRS Non-Member" or a "STRS Member" Retirement System.

  • The Retirement Pay Code Source field on the Pension System (PNST) page for the Pension System and Pension Tier is set to Use PNAC Path.

  • In addition, if the Above Threshold Retirement Pay Code field is populated then the Threshold Retirement Processing field must be checked and the Retirement Pay Code field must be populated.