Retirement Contribution Code
The Retirement Contribution Code (RTCC) page establishes the various Retirement Contribution Codes used in payroll processing. When the specific payroll criteria are met, these codes override the default Retirement Contribution Codes specified on the Deduction Plan (DPLN), Employee Fringe Benefit Plan (BENP), and Employer Fringe Benefit Plan (EFBP) pages. Override Retirement Contribution Codes can be established for prior period activity, retroactive activity, prior period cancellations and current period cancellation.
Pension System Code - Valid values are defined on the Pension System (PNST) page.
Retirement Contribution Code - This is the code used for Regular Payroll Processing. This is the Contribution Code that is assigned as the default on the Deduction Plan (DPLN), Employee Fringe Benefit Plan (BENP), and Employer Fringe Benefit Plan (EFBP) pages.
Short Description - Provides a brief description for the Retirement Contribution Code.
Long Description - Provides a long description for the Retirement Contribution Code. If left blank, the system infers the Short Description.
Enter the Reporting Group associated with this Retirement Contribution Code. The Reporting Group is used by the Retirement Contribution Extract process to combine lines on the Retirement Contribution Detail table. For example, all detail lines with the same Reporting Group appears on one record in the table.
Retirement Contribution Code for Retroactive payroll activity - This is the activity that has been generated as part of a Retroactive payroll cycle.
Retirement Contribution Code for Prior Cancellation payroll activity - This is the cancellation activity that occurs in an earlier Retirement Service Period than the current payroll.
Retirement Contribution Code for Current Cancellation payroll activity - This is the cancellation activity that occurs in the same Retirement Service Period than the current payroll.
Retirement Contribution Code for Prior Period payroll activity - This is the payroll activity that occurs in an earlier Retirement Service Period than the current payroll.