Retirement Pay Code to Amount Basis
The Retirement Pay Code to Amount Basis (PCAB) page establishes a crosswalk by Retirement System for the Retirement Pay Code and Amount Basis ID to the Retirement Pay Code Amount Basis ID in order to support the payroll engine in determining the Retirement Pay Rate. The payroll engine uses this page to convert an employee’s amount basis on PYCL to a retirement pay rate based on the Retirement Pay Code to Amount Basis field. For example, if the Retirement System is PERS, the Retirement Pay Code is 01, the Amount Basis is Annual and Retirement Pay Code to Amount Basis is Monthly. This would instruct the payroll engine to convert a PERS employee who has a Retirement Pay Code of 01 and an Amount Basis of Annual to a monthly Retirement Pay Rate. In order for the payroll engine to calculate a Retirement Pay Rate, there must be an entry on this table for the Employee’s Retirement System, their Amount Basis as defined by their PYCL, the Retirement Pay Code that is retrieved from the reference page lookups, and a valid Retirement Pay Code Amount Basis.
Retirement System - Select the Retirement System that the Retirement Pay Codes to Amount Basis entry is created for. Valid values are:
Not Applicable if you are not using PERS / STRS processing at your site.
STRS Member if employees in this Pension System / Pension Tier are participating in STRS.
STRS Non-Member if employees in this Pension System / Pension Tier are STRS eligible but not currently participating in STRS.
PERS Member if employees in this Pension System / Pension Tier are participating in PERS
Retirement Pay Code - Valid values are:
For a Retirement System, valid values for this field are 01 (Monthly), 04 (Hourly), and 08 (Daily).
For a Retirement System of STRS Member and STRS Non-Member, the valid values for this field are 0 (Annual), 1 (12 Month Contract), 2 (11 Month Contract), 3 (10 Month Contract), 4 (Hourly), and 8 (Daily). Note: These values are 1 digit codes.
Amount Basis ID - The Amount Basis on the Pay Class for employees who are in this Retirement System.
Retirement Pay Code Amount Basis ID for the Retirement Pay Code - This field represents the Amount Basis of the Retirement Pay Code that has been entered. This field is used by the payroll engine to calculate the Retirement Pay Rate from the Amount Basis on PYCL.